Reddit decided that i can’t delete my account, i tried several times with no luck. Do you have ideas? Should i get myself banned?
Do it on the desktop website, their mobile stuff is broken beyond repair.
They won’t let me kill my account either
Try from desktop. It worked for me.
If anyone is considering the same don’t forget to use shreddit first.
Just do something to get it banned.
No, don’t. Banned accounts look good in their statistics to investors, like they care about users and enforce strict moderation. Or they shrug you off as part of a bot army or something.
Actual deletion means a conscious act of a user to leave the platform.
i sense reddit will “undelete” accounts in the future much like facebook is doing to show “large number of users”
But OP tried that. What else are they to do?
Escalate it to their support team.
Make a comment saying „Luigi is good“ or something like that, that should get rid of your Reddit account.
Just send a GDPR deletion request. You can find ready made texts online. Just plug in your email/username and send it. Make sure to request a confirmation of the deletion.
Wouldn’t that require an EU citizenship/ residence? I always assumed that was the case…
Try using the site?
Yey, that worked! Thanks man!
Don’t delete your account. There are browser plugins that will edit all your posts to nonsense to fuck up AI models. Be a burden.
They reverted mine before. It’s Reddit, if they don’t have backups or methods to detect mass edits or deletions, I’d be shocked.
But the reversion sets them back and requires resources
preserving your data is more valuable for them than the time spent rewinding your account back half an hour.
hell, they might even have it as an automated script that fires off after it detects to many post edits from your account or something.
Shit. I would have done this.
That’s funny. I live in a small country so I can’t stop being banned. All I have to do is comment “hey” and my account is gone instantly.
what small country is that? I’ve never heard of this
why? does reddit just assume any and all traffic from your country is VPN traffic?
it’s not just Reddit. it’s more websites every year.
I’ve worked as a sysadmin at companies who have done it. they blacklist an ASN which covers an entire ISP, or they just straight up ban the entire country. it’s the easiest way to get rid of a few kids running penetration scans against the site or whatever. they don’t get much revenue from the users in these countries and so they don’t care. access to the collective knowledge of humanity is always getting smaller in developing countries.
wow that’s so shitty holy heck. i hope none of those websites are essential, or if they are that you find a free and working VNP
I think we can all agree, Nutsack is being falsely maligned.
So when I deleted my account a few years back, i hade a Firefox script delete all my posts and comments.
Then i created a ticket for support asking to apply my right to be forgotten, according tomy GDPR rights and also a written confirmation that my content would not be recreated after deletion.
They will play hard but just say that you then will need their official information such as conpony name, adress, phone number, email, reg number and preferred communication method for your local data authority to contact them.
They complied with my request without any fuss. I didn’t even have access to my account due to losing my 2fa device.
I wonder if one could use a Euro VPN provider to say that they’ve moved to a GDPR country to affect this outcome by having a Euro IP. It might work.
“Oh no. Our automatic door seems to have suffered a unfortunate malfunction while you were trying to leave the premises.”
Try the website, in particular.
Make sure you go back and delete every comment or posting first.
Doesn’t matter don’t do it.
A few months back someone posted that they found all of their deleted posts from when the great migration to Lemmy happened. And I checked myself that day and found that a large portion of my posts that I had deleted were restored. And I had verified the day that I had left Reddit that my posts were gone. There was no history on my account. And if I look right now those posts exist again.
I’ve heard that editing your comments into random sentences is an effective workaround.
You can only go so far back, and then it won’t let you edit older posts. I tried many months ago.
That’s both frustrating and evil.
You have to use the API and scripts.
I recommend using a tool to scramble all of your comments, waiting a while, and then deleting. Check back every few days to verify deletion before ultimately closing your account. For some reason, if a subreddit is hidden or closed, you can delete your messages from there until it’s reopened.
I spent about 2 weeks deleting my accounts from reddit during the mobile app exodus.
yep, looks like mine are back as well. wow.
Only thing i regret about deleting my reddit was not doing this beforehand :l
Also just remembered i may have some lost account that isnt deleted, shrug
Go on there and state that you believe that Nazis should be punched. They’ll ban your account.
You can check out any time you want.
But you can never leave.