Republicans gathered late in the evening to hear quick speeches from the congressmen seeking the job, though none has a clear shot at the gavel. Eight candidates are in the running for one speaker after one dropped out. Behind closed doors, they made their elevator pitches to colleagues ahead of internal party voting.

Senior-most among the hopefuls is Rep. Tom Emmer of Minnesota, but neither he or the other lower-level Republican lawmakers are expected to quickly secure a majority. Instead he and others are reaching out to Donald Trump for backing ahead of elections to choose a nominee. One, Rep. Dan Meuser of Pennsylvania, dropped out.

“They all called asking for support,” said Trump, the Republican front-runner in the 2024 presidential race, who was in New Hampshire registering for the state’s primary ballot.

    1 year ago

    I’m (hilariously) holding out hope “moderate” Republicans jump ship and form a third (anti Trump, centrist-conservative) party. That then creates a coalition with the Dems. Saving our democracy, dooming Trumpkins, and putting moderate liberals in charge of the House.

    . . . that’s when I always wake up.

      1 year ago

      I don’t see it happening either. It’s striking just how many unprincipled cowards there are in the political center or center-right. Just gutless yes-men, with a smattering of yes-women who would much rather see the country burn than get called out by Trump.

    1 year ago

    What I find really great is that with the modern election cycle, we have already had debates for president.

    This just showcases how much of a worthless cluster fuck one half of The Party has become at producing a leader.

    Moscow Mitch the Russian Cock Sucking Bitch is all up in arms about being politely asked about his health, still strangleholds his side of The Party, but still hasn’t thrown his hat in the ring to run for President.

    On the other side, where are the debates for the other half of The Party?

    Poli-Sci majors might want to roll in with their spineless rhetoric right here, but why wouldn’t a strong encumbent President relish the opportunity to defend his seat in high spirited and federal level publicized exercises in discourse?

    No. At the advanced age of 250, America is just a sesspool of half assed high school model UN asshats who can look just pretty enough to get elected to middle of the road bribe recipient seats with not a single soul who knows how or cares about running a government or leading a nation.

    We have Trump neck deep in litigation, Biden funding genocide, and a few hundred Instagram influencers assraping Lady Liberty and telling the American people to suck their tiny stinky chodes.

    America has failed.