Some private schools have shut down because of a rapidly escalating measles outbreak in West Texas. Local health departments are overstretched, pausing other important work as they race to limit the spread of this highly contagious virus.
That’s rough. I feel bad for the kids that didn’t have a choice in the matter. You can’t help it if your parents are stupid. And what’s even more fucked up is that I bet most of those parents are vaccinated and have none of the side effects that they say their kids will get.
I got them I was perfectly fine… But why should I give you these things that can prevent suffering? No one I have ever known has gotten this disease…
That’s a good point. Now, I do have this rock to sell you. It keeps away tigers. Only $99 with a monthly subscription to keep it working. Sign here.
It’s those damned trans kids is what it is!! /s
You sure it wasn’t DEI???
I miss the old days when CRT was messing everything up.
Shit i still remember when Equal Opportunity was responsible for societal downfall 👴
DEI = Deny Every Injection?
Thank God they aren’t vaccinated. Could you imagine if they had measles and vaccination side effects? By golly, these kids are lucky, I tell you what.
I have spent my entire adult life fighting this special brand of stupidity and hate here in Texas. I am tired, frustrated, angry, heartbroken, and more and more disillusioned in the core populous of my state. I will keep fighting these pitched battles in this rigged war in the hope that one day we can cast off this yoke of hate and greed that has dragged Texas so far down into the mud.
Hi ho
Here I am again pissing in the wind and wondering why I’m covered in piss.
Much respect.
Sometimes I imagine a counterfactual history where good people just abandoned those red states for purple ones in unison just before a census. A progressive gerrymandering of the Electoral College + House + Senate all at once.
Even just one cycle of that would have jerked the Overton window significantly left…
Texas is like “remember when everything was closed during the global pandemic? Well, we are going to close everything in Texas for our own pandemic.”
What a bunch of maroons.
They will start their own Pandemic with Black Plague and Hookworm.
Oh, they’re not closing anything. This is West Texas we’re talking about.
Didn’t they explode?
Don’t worry, they’ve got plenty of ivermectin.
Texas going back to the Oregon trail days, people are going to start getting cholera and shit from raw milk too I bet.
If we test less, we’ll have less cases. The problem is that we’re testing too much.
Measles is a DEI disease.
measles is also very dangerous to adults, moreso than in children. goes same for mumps and rubella, and chickenpox.
Even if they believe that vaccines autism…okay? I would rather my kid be autistic than dead. And, honestly, if that was true, they’ve been giving us all austitm for decades and society didn’t collapse before.
This is a painful lesson, but some people might learn from this, and some people are probably to stupid to do so.
Sorry for the kids who are the victims of criminally neglective parents.
For a moment I thought he was holding a fleshy ice cream cone