• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Efwis@lemmy.ziptoMemes@lemmy.mlCome on Barbie lets go Party
    4 months ago

    Money for the most part for a lot of people.

    Passports are $400+ USD, then there are the plane tickets, which are hundreds of dollars. Then to top it off you need to have room and board while looking for a job and someplace to live.

    Another thing I’ve heard is fear of leaving the known and family.

  • To this day the government is still trying to create a lot of the tech from Star Trek. They are actively working on warp technology, replicators for food and clothes etc and Star Trek was the basis for a lot of today’s computers (i.e. no tubes like old tvs and computers before the invention of the desktop computer).

    One time the government actually approached the producers and wanted to know how they got the doors to open and close automatically like they do. Genes answer “there’s two men holding onto broom sticks, one on each side, when the actor walked up to the doors they would pull the broomsticks and make a ‘whooshing’ sound as they opened and closed them “

    Now we have that tech on 90% of retail shop doors. Star Trek was the basis for a lot of tech we use now.

  • Efwis@lemmy.ziptoMemes@lemmy.mlThey're not even hiding it
    10 months ago

    Nope and I don’t care. I have no reason to go around any potus, no matter who they are. Besides, the Covid testing thing is really no different in any other country that wants to protect their leaders.

    The thing is Biden was working on fixing it, it’s just there was so much damage by the time he got in office, there was no quick fix. Remember governance doesn’t fix everything immediately or overnight upon changing of the guard.

    Everyone expected an overnight miracle which is impossible to achieve. They aren’t god or Jesus as depicted in the book of fairy tales called the Bible.

  • Efwis@lemmy.ziptoMemes@lemmy.mlThey're not even hiding it
    10 months ago

    Umm you got the wrong person for that. Get it right 90% of Covid policies were enacted by trump, Biden didn’t come in until the damage was already done.

    It’s funny how everyone looked up to trump for pushing the vaccination as fast as he did, only to condemn Biden for following through with it.

    Because of that condemnation, the right-wingers refuse to take the vaccine they were so happy to take when trump was in office. So tell me, who’s the idiots now? Sure isn’t the dems.

  • Yeah if you aren’t used to hurricanes it can be difficult. I learned that after I move to Texas and got hit with my first one. I grew up in the Midwest o I was used to tornadoes, but tropical storms and hurricanes were completely new to me.

    Problem we’re running into here is it’s so hot and dry we are starting to see fires caused by spontaneous combustion here.