PayPal blocked my account in like 2017 or something, never used it again
I’m just glad the Xenon fad is practically over
I have no interest in learning regex ever in my life, I have better things to dedicate my brain capacity to haha
What is the name of this game, I played it so much as a kid but I always forget the name
Edit: Wacky Wheels, got it though reverse image search
Chatgpt helps even more
I vote Zelensky
I think you are confusing the word robot with the word android
If it was my company and I had the accesses I think the database would be having a hard time right now, and so would the backups
Imagine running from censorship and going to Lemmy.ml lmao
And why is it Arch
In Minecraft
I joined reddit in 2012, back then it was really a free place, It hasn’t been for a while but back then it was.
XI? Even shit for brains Erdrogan did the same. Expect the fake coup in the coming years
I think OBS will not work for this DRM stuff, you need a video capture card and directly record the video signal.
Let me start to say that I’m on our side (probably), but are you implying that you want those workers to be underpaid and have no worker rights so your produce price stays low?
When will he release the Epstein reacted documents…