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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: December 25th, 2023

  • mostly just water but if I need electrolytes I’ve found most pre-made powders, tablets, or drinks are too sweet, more so if they use alternative sweeteners like Stevia. so, I found a place that sells electrolyte powder, unsweetened and unflavoured, and mix it up myself with some water, lemon juice, and a bit of Stevia. much better than the premade mixes.

    although I do like pocari sweat as a rare thing. you can buy that as a powder online, but the local asian market sells cans of it so I keep a few around.

  • The OS on the Steam Deck is Arch based, just like Manjaro, so I imagine it’ll do games.

    I’m a fullstack developer as well, and use Arch as my daily driver, and have for the past 9 years. While I can’t speak for Manjaro directly, just the upstream, I have some coworkers that use it without issue. I think it’d be fine for your needs, at least worth trying out. I hear a lot of bleeding edge horror stories thrown around but in that 9 years 95% of problems were of my own doing, and the 5% were easily fixed with a rollback of a package. Out of that, my downtime isn’t worth mentioning it’s so negligible. I feel my coworkers on macos have more issues with major version upgrades by far.

    On Arch-based distros, pkgbuild is a great way to handle custom packages when needed, and the AUR is gives me almost everything I need that isn’t in the official repos. It’s a great developer environment.

    I’m very interested in OpenSUSE Tumbleweed as well, was thinking of trying it out as my next distro on a personal machine to try out something new since I’ve been on a single distro for so long, but not because I need anything new, just sounds like fun.

  • I’ve used rclone with backblaze B2 very successfully. rclone is easy to configure and can encrypt everything locally before uploading, and B2 is dirt cheap and has retention policies so I can easily manage (per storage pool) how long deleted/changed files should be retained. works well.

    also once you get something set up. make sure to test run a restore! a backup solution is only good if you make sure it works :)

  • I got out of the “surplus hardware” a while ago; way too expensive and noisy to run, so super recommend ditching the poweredge. for home use, I ended up just going with a USB3 JBOD for storage, and a Intel NUC (which I think they don’t make anymore). it runs a ton of virtualized servers under kvm, a virtualized NAS, all without issue because it honestly spends most of its time nearly idle. point is: it’s definitely nice to have it all in one case and with high speed storage but maybe having to find something that can house a ton of drives isn’t a strict need if you aren’t actually going to put a ton of load on it.