Years back, it was more simple. Food, shelter, and water. But now, as technology, advances and people get stressed out more and more from life getting too complicated, needing manuals for almost everything. What do you guys think the bear necessities are now?

Edit: let’s make a list for fun.

  • Food

  • Shelter

  • Water

  • Internet access

  • email (?)

  • phone number (?) / mobile phone (?)

  • ID 100 points

  • Love

  • Clothing

  • Hygiene and Healthcare

  • Human connection

  • Basic Education

  • magnetosphere
    1 year ago

    The “classics”, but with the stipulation that they not be poisoned, polluted, toxic, or otherwise unsafe to be near, contact, or consume. That used to be implied, but in today’s world, you have to be specific.

    Telephone usage. Everyone assumes that everyone else knows how to use a phone. Even before kids are old enough to use a phone themselves, parents make their children memorize an important number.

    “Reliable transportation”. That can mean public transportation or a bike in addition to a car. Transportation is a requirement for virtually every job.

    Basic computer literacy. The bare essentials of computer usage are expected of just about everyone, even if you only know how to log on to Facebook, which brings me to the next subject…

    Internet access. It’s gotten to the point that people assume you are homeless, stupid, or in a weird cult if you can’t/won’t get on the internet.