Hello World,
Today, after careful consideration and evaluation of recent events, we have decided to defederate from Lemmygrad.
Regrettably, we have observed a significant increase in hate speech and calls to violence originating from the Lemmygrad instance. Due to the severity of the posts and comments, we are not waiting for the next Lemmy update that will allow users to block instances.
At Lemmy.world, we have always strived to foster an inclusive and welcoming user environment. However, recent posts and comments from Lemmygrad have clearly violated our server rules and, more importantly, our core values. We firmly believe that hate speech and incitement of violence have no place in our community, regardless of personal beliefs or affiliations.
As always, we encourage all users to report any content they deem inappropriate or harmful. No matter one’s stance in any conflict, Lemmy.world will always take immediate action to remove and ban any posts or comments that incite violence or propagate hatred.
We encourage everyone to continue engaging in discussions within the boundaries of respect and understanding. As we move forward with this decision, we remain committed to providing all community members with a safe and welcoming space. We appreciate your continued support and cooperation in upholding our shared principles.
Thank you,
The Lemmy.World Team
I’ve said in the past and will say it again. Despite someone talking nonsense, being rude, having wrong opinions, silencing them is not ideal. If nothing else it’s exactly the behaviour of Totalitarian regime that this action is aimed at.
So again de federation is IMHO not best aproach.
They are not “silenced”: just like in real life they have every right to express themselves, but normal people have every right not to listen to them. This comes from a leftist btw.
It’s like building the wall around neighborhood you dislike for their opinions. So yeah its silencing them in sense of preventing them to speak with your part of the city but of course they can talk to themselves.
Point is they get to be isolated in their bubble, so will you . Instead we should learn to think for ourselves and they would be helped back into reality by information outside their bubble.
No it isn’t. If you want to hear them feel free to create an account on an instance that doesn’t block them, that is how the fediverse and the real world works.
They are only isolated from those who don’t want to hear them.
It is, in the analogy you are saying if you want to talk to them get an appartment in their part of the city.
except an apartment costs money and so there are barriers to entry, lemmy accounts are free.
The only good analogy is “if you want to be friends with us, stop being friends with assholes”.
I fear were becoming a mob.(off topic) I don’t know the extent of the issue, but this post’s title found in a few minutes of browsingre-worked to remove inflammatory guff
it makes people mad because it sounds like their insulting you, (you liberal /s), but really their acting close-minded like the conservative movement anti SJWs.
the topics they pick and opinions they hold are very odd, We (possibly inaccurately) use a label to describe but also insult them, a “tankie” is a “useful idiot” for the very few remaining communist labeled countries (not necessarily actually communist).