Why YSK: because people often treat sunburns like a minor thing when they can actually have very serious consequences, affect your health and ruin your holidays.

I had it once and it was really bad. Left me traumatized regarding sunburns.

  • Stalinwolf@lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    I used to get absolutely fried every summer swimming in the river up at my grandpa’s. Why my parents never introduced sunscreen into my life, I’ll never know. But I’d get fucked, dude. Sun poisoning levels of fucked. Once it was so bad that my face and affected skin almost appeared to be melting like candle wax. A doctor told me I’ll be susceptible to skin cancer in my adulthood, so I have to be really careful about exposure these days. Fortunately it’s been nearly two decades since I’ve had blisters, bubbles, burns or any leaking of skin juice.