I myself am really on the fence about this.

I hate what Reddit has done, as I was removed as a moderator on my sub. But I much prefer the UI to Lemmy so far. I’m also having a hard time understanding how this all works. I was familiar with Reddit, and it is obviously a way more active community.

But I also used Apollo and hate how they’ve done him so dirty.

Will you guys return if Reddit rights it’s wrongs?

  • samtheeagle@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Personally I’ve found the Lemmy experience perfectly ok. I went from never having heard of it to being up and running and having the general gist of it in about 30 minutes. Is it a commercial grade polished product? No. But it works just fine, gives me content to browse, and isn’t some horrible humanity grinder in search of profit. If people keep joining the content will follow, just need to be patient and contribute (note to self, I should post something instead of lurking).

    As some others have mentioned elsewhere having a slight barrier to entry might slow down the influencers migrating over too. We can but hope.