I wish there was an alternative to leaving Reddit

  • rarkgrames@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    You know it’s funny, I thought I would be sad to see Reddit go but I’ve been lurking here on Lemmy for a day or two and I’ve realised that Reddit actually was a pretty toxic environment a lot of the time.

    I will miss some of the long running in-jokes (broken arms, coconuts etc.) but overall maybe moving on from Reddit is a good thing.

    I hope Reddit doesn’t die entirely though. It does have some uses, particularly if you need help on a. particular topic. The specialist subreddits have a large amount of knowledge available through their subscribers and I’ve often turned to them for help on a tech issue when I have something I can’t answer with a quick Google search (for example, a weird issue with Sonarr which wasn’t covered by the *arr wiki) and it would be great if this doesn’t go away.

    What I am sad about is seeing the demise of some great 3PA (I was an Apollo user). The amount of work put in by the devs is huge, and this is their livelihood being destroyed. So for folks like Christian I do feel bad.

    I’m interested to see how Reddit comes out of the other side of the blackout. Wait and see I guess.