I mean scripts like Shavian or Quikscript. Are these script useful to you in your day-to-day life? How are they better than the original scripts of your language?
I mean scripts like Shavian or Quikscript. Are these script useful to you in your day-to-day life? How are they better than the original scripts of your language?
The closest I can come is blackletter or fraktur scripts that were once used for generic languages. As far as letters go they are silly and overcomplicated, with Latin scripts being far easier to read and more adaptable to different visual styles.
With that being said, they do have their own old-timey charm and there is something satisfying in being able to pick up a old book in blackletter and read it when you know that most people can not.
Fun fact: Blackletter was only used for Germanic languages. If a text contained non-Germanic passages it was normal to set those in Latin letters while the rest was set in blackletter.