I just beat the final boss of TotK and felt like there was a disconnect. I feel like BotW had more back story upfront for characters.

  • pcouy@lemmy.pierre-couy.fr
    2 years ago

    I found the durability system annoying in BotW because I constantly had to consider the “economics” of engaging in a fight (weapons that will break during the fight VS. weapons that I will loot at the end of the fight)

    On the other end, the new weapons system is a lot more enjoyable thanks to fusing monster parts to the weapons : killing monsters with larger health bars consistently gives you better monster parts to fuse with your weapons. I also enjoy the “base weapons” all having a special effect, it leads to nice combos. For instance, I love fusing good parts to Zora weapons and throwing a water fruit at my feet during a fight to double its damage.