• CorruptBuddha@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    1 year ago

    I’m not saying racism doesn’t happen on an individual level; quite the opposite. I’m saying the systemic and social oppression cannot be extricated from the individual level. And that’s why it’s not the same thing for a white person as it is for a black or brown person, when those are the in-group vs out-group respectively.

    This is a crazy idea, but how about we just call out racism as a whole instead of having arguments about how racism towards whites isn’t racism.

    Like holy fuck, you are wrong. You DID say racism doesn’t happen on an individual level.

    Sure is. But “White” is prejudice at worst, not racism. Racism includes the inherent power dynamics and systemic racism against minorities.

    ☝️☝️☝️ That’s you! That’s your initial comment in this discussion.

    In all honesty you’re better composed, and clearly smarter then me, but you’re either disingenuous, or caught up in your own BS, because your position is wildly inconsistent. When you start saying things like “it’s white prejuice at worst” that should be a sign to take a step back.

    Anyways… Soo um… I guess if you don’t believe in the influence of actions on the individual level, you also don’t believe in grass roots, or the civil rights movements over the past 100 years?

    That comment makes me feel like I was the only one bringing that to this conversation, and you are simply engaging with it from a “I’m right” perspective without even a consideration that your perspective may not be entirely right. Am I reading that right?

    YOURE FUCKING RACIST. Cockroaches deserve to be exposed. You are lucky for how polite I’ve been, and that I’ve taken the time to help you stop being fucking racist. People like yourself are undoing the progress we’ve made as a society, because like every fucking other arrogant prick, you think you can balance the scales without any consideration for the greater implications.

    Fuck totalitarians.You undermine the foundations of what it means to be human like every other dictator because you can’t see past your own fucking goals.

    I think you’re scum. Straight up.

    Also heads up… trying to gatekeep the term systemic racism is systemically racist. Sooo… Seems like you have no problem with the structures of racism when it’s beneficial towards your goals.

    And of course I have fucking doubts. Maybe Marxism is the way… But I have zero faith.