For me, anything 25 FPS or higher is 100% fine and I’ll be enjoying my time. I never play competitive online shooter games ever, though. All single player ones like GOW and the likes. I game on a 60 Hz 4k monitor. GPU is AMD RX 6600 alongside Ryzen 7 5700G and 32GB RAM. My games are set to meduim most of the time at 4k. Demanding titles are on low. Surprisingly, GOW and GOW Ragnarok are both set to ultra and I still get around 40ish FPS.
It used to be 60Hz. Then I played at 144Hz. The change in responsiveness of the mouse converted me
Got spoiled. lol
I don’t have one.
I have a very simple process for dealing with all of this - I never check my framerate in the first place, so I never know what it is.
I just play games If there’s noticeable stuttering or lag then I maybe try to do something about it, and if there’s not, then I just play and don’t worry about it.
That’s actually a good way of doing it. I used to be this way, but I don’t know how and why I started using a team’s built in FPS counter and mangohud. I’m going to stop using it so I don’t have to keep glancing it all the time. Thank you.
It’s not like I notice it more when I have a frame rate counter turned on, I’m just not questioning how bad or how often the drops are when I have it enabled.
I’m old enough that I remember when 28FPS @ 320x200 was considered a target, and my vision isn’t as hot as it used to be. So long as I’m not noticing any obvious issues, I don’t really care enough to check.
In this day and age, anything below 60FPS 1080p is unacceptable. If a new game can’t hit that target on 3 year old hardware, the game is unfinished.
I’m asking YOU and what YOU think is playable and you’d enjoy it , not games.
I think 60FPS is totally fine. 30 is only OK on slower moving games or era-appropriate consoles; Halo on the OG Xbox for example.
I know OP has a point that they weren’t asking your opinion on games, but I really like your stance of demanding performance from the game devs especially on older hardware. There is a culture of "must have newest hardware to run everything maxed " that’s just dumb consumerism.
I think I’m a bit spoiled with my 144 Hz monitor; anything below maybe 120 FPS starts to bug me. Thankfully my PC is pretty powerful and I don’t really play graphics-heavy games (mostly just Minecraft) so my framerate is usually quite stable.
I’m hypersensitive to framerate and have a 170Hz monitor so 60 FPS is minimum for me. But even that’s a bit too low. Yes, I’m a snob.
Nope, you’re not a snob, you just have a different preference, and that’s totally fine.
…back in the CRT era i needed at least a 72Hz refresh rate to not feel any discomfort; that doesn’t exactly correlate with framerates on modern LCD displays but i think it’s a good proxy for the threshold of general perceptiblity…
…are greater framerates smoother?..sure, especially in my peripheral vision, but 72 FPS is generally good-enough beyond which returns start diminishing…
The average frame rate isn’t nearly as important as the stability. I’ll gladly take 30FPS over 60 + frame drops.
My monitor dynamically adjusts it’s refresh rate to match what my GPU is spitting out within reason. Anything above 40ish is fine, though competitive stuff does benefit from more. Below that even if my monitor is matching frame to fame I definitely notice.
I only recently experienced the luxury of higher frame rates.
I’ll put up with 30. I usually don’t notice it after a while, especially if it’s steady.
60 is preferred, and I always aim for performance if I can.
If it’s a fast-paced action game, 60 is a must. If it’s turn-based, or otherwise just slow enough to not matter, I’ll sometimes accept a stable 30 - but only if it’s truly stable, any dips below that are not okay.
When I play it’s usually solo games, and I never had an issue with 20fps+ . If performance drops below that, I’m visually ok with 16fps, but usually at that range my system is struggling with game mechanics and that’s the deal breaker for me
I feel like 20 FPS would be OK for me if I had absolutely no ability to get at least a 25. But 15? 16? That’s like very jittery. I remember that happening on Alan wake 2 and it was playable, but to be honest I was kind of annoyed with it.
Most of the time, 60. But it depends.
Competitive FPS/action games I want 120, story games with FPS 60, anything turn based or slow paced is probably fine at 30 or 40. It also depends on a lot of other factors. On my handheld (steam deck like) I aim for 30 or 40, but my main PC always shoots for 60 or higher.
That and I usually tune my settings so I get a bit more than 60, then lock the framerate to reduce stutter.
So long as the game doesn’t lag enough that I have input lag, I’ll gladly play through a game at prettyich any FPS.
Depends on your tv a bit. 30fps is fine on my steam deck, but on my LG OLED the response rate is too damn fast and 30fps looks choppy and terrible.
Ha! I didn’t know response time affected it. TIL
I know this only because I spent way too long trying to figure out why older games look like ass on the LG haha.
😂 Look like ass.
25 and above with drops is fine for me. I grew up with an ati card on low end machine so if the stupid game runs im happy. Don’t understand the stupid " 4k 250hz perfect black oled or its shit for stupid people" attitude. As long as my 1080p doesn’t ghost its fine. T. Made art for many games some of you have played.