The problem in my country is that most people are complacent and could care less to do anything about it aside from trying to overthrow the government because they had to wear masks and take a vaccine.
The problem in my country is that most people are complacent and could care less to do anything about it aside from trying to overthrow the government because they had to wear masks and take a vaccine.
RL lakecityquietpills
no, a asteroid from space came with the seeds of life that helped kick-start it.
yeah i think its the same for me. oh well, its what we got.
ah i see. i would be ok with a differnt protocol. or going back to webrings
sweet. thanks for the rec!
I think my ADHD shines through with podcasts, I start listening to the first 10 mins then drown out whatever they are talking about and then just give up listening. It’s a shame because there are many podcasts out there id like to listen to.
oh…well maybe that’s why it’s looking smaller…
ever reach behind your head and try to pull somthing out?
i will willingly submit my boogers for science.
well COVID was found in the wastewater of Venice before the first cases were reported in china.
i thought you were going to go somewhere that they are required for human mating.
id rather have a small penis than be full of mircoplastics
well the universe is expanding so.
Radiation therapy is bad. We know that, its a last resort tool to fight cancer. Once we find something to finally kill cancer before getting to that stage, i hope to see no more use of such treatment.
I thought we had evidence that life was seeded from off world? don’t have sources right now but i remember coming by an article explaining that.
lol i wish for this one so much.