• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • Don’t forget that the south was trying to force the north ro send back escaped slaves, depite the north using their states rights to say no. The south would also send Bounty hunters to go kidnap free born black people to sell into slavery. So yeah, states rights was an issue. The right to identify people as human.

    But let’s not also forget that the confederate constitution had a passage that says that there will not be any laws capable of being passed that infringe on the right to own black people

    Article I Section 9(4) No bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law denying or impairing the right of property in negro slaves shall be passed

  • This has always been my conundrum.

    Do we give into the “sacrifice your liberty for safety” type thinking or do we see the actions of a man like Trump for what it really is: writing on the wall for something much worse to come.

    One day it won’t be a buffoon like Trump, it will be a calculated and intelligent person. It’s not a conspiracy theory anymore, Trump showed us the cracks in the foundation, we can choose to ignore it whenever the guy in office wears a blue tie, or we can take note for whats to come.

    But again, on one hand, kids dying isn’t cool, but on the other, setting ourselves up for a potential systematic oppression also sounds pretty bad. We have enough systematic oppression as it is

    Not to say Trump is my sole factor for having these beliefs, I’ve always tangled with the issues of safety and liberty when it comes to gun laws.