I’m trippin lol.

  • 17 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 1st, 2023


  • Sucks and truly am sorry. I’ve been permanently banned 9 times. (Changed devices alot upgraded them alot)

    I learned, that if you want to keep your reddit account you don’t socialize on there, give advice or opinions either.

    You just have to go back to lurking and block every single person who’s an argument staRter even if they aren’t directly talking to you. Block them so they can’t see your shit. They don’t need to bc they’ll pick at it.

    You were too involved. That’s what happened .

    Get a second hand device from a Pawn shop if it means this much to you, make an another account not linking to your phone and use it to lurk only.

    You can comment but think before you do I wouldn’t recommend posting at all but that’s up to your discretion I guess. I wouldn’t posting just leaves you open to mass reporters who hate or don’t agree with the sentiment in your post.

    Just don’t in my opinion posting makes you a target

  • Story time

    So this is back when the API thing was going on with Reddit I have been using Lemmy for almost 4 years now on and off. So I noticed all these new instances.

    Anyway I went to theirs and I read their sidebar and I said you know they’re about open speech and people with differing ideas and stuff and I was like “all good cool that’s what I’m looking for.”

    The I begun noticeing a lot of scantily-clad anime shit to which I blocked of course. That shit’s annoying. I am just a person who fucking hates anime altogether anyways, and that’s one of the reasons, is anime makes them look like little girls and shit.

    That started to become like real consistent on their instance and I was like “Man this is annoying”

    Eventually i ended up on a discussing post from what i remember it being, I forgot how I ended up on this post, but I started reading some of their comments and I was like “Wait a second? What the fuck are they talking about?”

    I screenshotted what they posted (I was looking for it I can’t find it I have 3 thousand screenshots. I did try looking for it though) and posted it asking for opinions about what it was ppl on that instance were talking about, on my home instance.

    I asked the community “Are these people fucking pedos!?” everybody was in agreeance and my home instance already had then blocked. Which was awesome.

    I’m glad they’re gone I actually went ahead and deleted my account there when I saw that discussion they were having. I didn’t just want to leave it and never come back to it. I don’t want any association with that shit.

    I deleted my account on their instance after I found all that out and you would think that the anime shit would have been a dead giveaway for me.

    But I was naive. I didn’t know that the fediverse you can kind of have instances like that cuz it’s somebody’s own server.

    I thought all that shit was banned on the internet altogether like even discussions about it so that was really weird for me and I wasn’t expecting that I was kind of shocked honestly.