Your metaphor falls short with the Tree of Liberty sentence. And yeah, grab a shovel, and let’s get to work.
Your metaphor falls short with the Tree of Liberty sentence. And yeah, grab a shovel, and let’s get to work.
Today, we start!
I’m not gonna look, and I’m glad this is happening. Hack On!
Yeppers, these goofs are tryna stir up trouble, with all their smoke and fluff. Let’s give them some trouble, if that’s what they are asking for, sez I.
Can we make this a class action? As ALL tax paying US citizens should have standing in this claim. IANAL, just Law curious.
Not religious, but my ethics, and laws against aiding and abetting should also apply.
but also: Office of Chief Counsel Internal Revenue Service Memorandum https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-lafa/20133303f.pdf
More fluff and smoke to generate outrage. Get that unelected creep out of our government.
I directly translated from English what my friend said yesterday, and may have embellished a bit for effect, but this is not different in effect from the nature of human to human verbal communication over millennia. Furthermore, even if she said nothing of the sort, it would be a better world if world leaders call out rumpy’s BS. Ok, ok, I admit, “drug induced fantasies of a felonious madman” was my description, but clearly there’s nothing inaccurate there.
But is that really true? Or is it the fascists trying to get people to give up without a fight? As I understand the President of Mexico to have said, “is this blather and bullshit, or is there an actual written policy? Because we’re only going to concern ourselves with reality, not drug induced fantasies of a felonious madman.” My Spanish isn’t so good, but I think that’s accurate.
Well, isn’t that ‘special’.
Good call, Gov. I’ve contacted my Gov to ask them to do the same!
Thanks for ALL you do!!
Oh, Heck Yeah! Those are great linx! I love Icecast, Shoutcast! So much musical diversity!
If so, could contributors be given a link that doesn’t advertise?
Eee, they sure should be!! I found your post because I wanted to see if the Fediverse knew about Radio-Browser.Info. I love that place, as I can explore so much curated music from so many places around the world.
I’m not suggesting he will accept it willingly, we’ll have to force it on him, as he is convicted.
Think of all the covid deaths, place responsibility where it belongs, right in his lap. 1000 deaths on average per week, I don’t have the long covid disabilities numbers ‘off the top of my head’, but they are even more.
No reason I can think of, actually.
Ms. Fong is correct. Let’s start with the wrongful termination suits. And let’s stop reacting to these fascists, instead let’s seek injunctions, and other proactive things. They’ve told us their plans. It’s well past time to get active!
Bravo! Thank You!