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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 6th, 2024

  • Growing up, my mom always, always cut my sandwiches in half to make two rectangles. I asked her why at some point, and she said when she was growing up, her mother always cut her sandwiches into triangles, and she hated it. So when she moved out, she basically vowed to only cut sandwiches into rectangles.

    I hated the rectangles growing up, and cut all of mine into two triangles now that I’m on my own. 😆 Funny how the world works, hahaha

  • I interpreted it as “You hold beliefs that directly contradict the work you’re performing, therefore, you have a bias that needs to be shown wasn’t a factor in your research by having your research successfully replicated by those who do not share your bias.”

    A Crusade was never launched on behalf of science, people were never burned at the stake because of science, babies are not still being mutilated at birth against their will (circumcision or genital mutilation of young girls) because of science, and AIDs was not spread unchecked across the world due to government’s lack of science.

    It’s religion, it ruins literally everything, especially science.

  • If you’re referring to the woman who was killed during the January 6th Insurrection, she was a traitor. She was an Air Force veteran who took an oath upon enlistment that she would faithfully defend the Constitution of the United States from all enemies, foreign and domestic.

    And then when her guy didn’t win, she decided she would forget her oath and try to overthrow the very Constitution she swore to protect. Honestly, fuck her, I don’t wish she had died, but she’s not a martyr, nor should she be.

    Your reasoning is why Democrats never fucking do anything: it’s all about the what-ifs. Republicans don’t give a fuck about the what-ifs and they’ve accomplished countless numbers of their goals over the years.

    So enough: if people want to try Insurrection 2.0: Electric Boogaloo, fucking mow them down like they so badly want to do anyone who isn’t a fucking white, cis, heterosexual male who dry humps their Bible every fucking night thinking that makes them a good Christian.

    Your logic and your comment are asinine, and you’re completely oblivious to the other side of your coin: We should just do nothing because stopping fucking traitors from overthrowing their government because their dipshit lost may hurt the perception the American people have of their government. Yep, better just let fascism happen then because people may look at the government, the same one that drone strikes women and children in the Middle East, what, may be too fucking tough on terrorists and insurrections?


  • Yep, I’m a contractor, I would absolutely only own one to use for work if I had a big property, and it’d be groundskeeping. Just FYI though, Kei trucks are used as contractor/work trucks in Japan, as are Kei vans.

    But your average person’s Home Depot trip isn’t going to be close to what a contractor would use. And, just like what currently happens, if your vehicle can’t handle an outlying circumstance, you either rent one that can or have the materials delivered.

    So beyond work applications, and towing which most people don’t need the size vehicle they have for what they’re towing, modern pickup trucks are oversized and unnecessary for probably 95% of people.

  • I’m with you 100%. No one consents to being born, and it should be every human’s right to decide when they’ve had enough and consent to checking out of life.

    We put down animals because they’re suffering, it’s seen as a mercy, yet when it comes to humans? Oh no, go through your fifth round of chemo, take two shots of morphine every day, exist in nothing but physical pain because wanting to die is somehow… Wrong?

    I’ve suffered from depression the majority of my life, and I’ve even asked my therapist: what is so wrong, so bad, about wanting to die? We live in a society where the majority of wealth is held by very few, we’re watching governments across the world fall to fascism, people’s rights are being stripped away left and right, and yet the majority of the population believes “Well, you have XYZ, so you should be grateful! You have so much to live for!”

    This is not a pro-suicide comment, either, to be clear. If you are suffering, please reach out to friends/family, or even better, a mental health professional if that is an option for you. Death is a permanent solution to what can be a temporary problem. But if an individual of sound mind and body wants to consent, for whatever reason, to no longer wanting to play this torture we call life, I believe they should 100% have the right to do so, and we should be glad we as a society have come so far as to extend the same mercy to human beings that we provide to pets.

  • This sounds like “if you don’t like capitalism, why do you have a cell phone and BUY food ?”

    Well, why do they? The cell phone uses private and public infrastructure to be transported and operated, which they don’t contribute to, and these sovcits are gung-ho on private rights and all that, so why should a private company like Verizon have to allow them to use their wireless or internet networks?

    And unless they walk across the air to get to the store to buy food, all of that was transported via public infrastructure (roads, trains, ships, etc), of which they would also need to utilize to get their food. Again, none of which they want to contribute to.

    Some people it seems would orefer if there were nine if that. That it is an intolerable imposition on them to be forced to support all that with no real say in the matter and no possibility of escape.

    No one is stopping them from checking out of society and living in the woods or whatever. Again, you don’t get the benefits of the social contract and then decide you’re special and none of the obligations are applicable to you, personally.

    Life’s not fair and it sucks, get over it.

    I feel it boils down to “if you don’t like it, go live on Mars”

    No, again, they’re welcome to live in the woods or wherever. There’s no magic combination of words or make believe forms that gets you out of taxes or alimony or to get a house for free or whatever other nonsense these sovcits are coming up with.

    It’s pure entitlement on their part, that they’re somehow more specialer than the rest of humanity who also didn’t choose to be here and also had no say in the capitalist hellscape we all get to live in.

  • MLK Jr. literally wrote about this exact same thing in his Letter from Birmingham jail.

    that the Negro’s great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen’s Councilor or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to ‘order’ than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: ‘I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action’; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man’s freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a ‘more convenient season.’ ”

  • I used to feel this way, until I heard how predatory the loans actually are. One woman on John Oliver’s segment about it was paying a little over $700/month towards her student loans. Of that, only about $70 of it was actually going towards the principle of the loan, the rest was interest.

    Another woman had paid $90k over ten years on her $80k in loans, and still owed $70k. That is just absolute horseshit, no other loan that I know of operates that way outside of payday loans, which an education loan should absolutely not be.

    If he can’t get the debts forgiven, they should at least cap the interest at no more than 2% so people can actually pay them off. Or make them dischargeable through bankruptcy, but something has to give. Until John Oliver’s segment, I didn’t realize how bad things were for a lot of people, and while I have no student loan debt (GI Bill for me, fortunately), I still feel for them.

  • It was my grandmother’s, and I was the 5th owner after she passed away. Manual windows, manual locks, and a fully-metal body. By the time I got it, it was so quirky, I loved everything about it.

    • The horn was dying, so if you held it for longer than 2-3 seconds, it sounded like the doppler effect,
    • Since the hood was metal, the horn would make it vibrate a little and the car sounded like it was begging to be put out of its misery,
    • The brakes screamed when you came to a stop, but only at speeds under 10 mph, so I basically scared the shit out of every drive-thru worker I encountered,
    • Our family dog knocked the rear view mirror off with her head, and after 5 months, we finally glued it back on, only for her to do it again a week later, so I learned to drive with only my sideview mirrors,
    • The parking brake basically couldn’t be relied on because the previous owner, my sister, drove it for about 6 months with the parking brake fully engaged, complaining to my dad constantly that it had no acceleration.

    Was a beautiful, green, Kia Sephia, and I miss that car more than some family members. My second car had another favorite quirk: the driver’s window motor died, so the window wouldn’t roll up or down. So, being the high school chucklefuck that I was, I’d go through drive-thrus in reverse if I had a friend in the passenger seat (also without a rearview mirror, thanks to the aforementioned dog).

    All the staff used to come to the window laughing, and one manager gave us real shit for it despite their being no signs or anything indicating we couldn’t.

    Sigh my younger days, cars today are just too boring 😂

  • I mean, that’s literally what Amazon does. Anyone remember diapers.com? Amazon lowered their prices on diapers, losing at least $200 million, to stop diapers.com’s growth. When the business started losing money, Amazon bought them, and then shut them down.

    Then immediately raised their prices on diapers. I fucking hate Amazon, like, literally refuse to purchase anything from them. I’d rather pay 3 times the price then give Amazon a penny for literally anything.

    They’re already implementing automation and robots into their warehouses, once one of their engineers making six figures (compared to Bezos’s billions) comes up with a way to automate delivery, you can bet your ass and mine they’ll drop all of their subcontracting delivery companies with zero notice or fucks given. I’m amazed they haven’t gone after chewy.com or barkbox, but maybe they are.

    I remember back in like 2015-2017, when I finally swore off Amazon, I posted on Reddit asking what other shopping sites people recommended that weren’t Amazon, and was downvoted and chastised for even asking because not wanting to suck Amazon’s Dick-of-Convenience wasn’t comprehendible, and look where that fucking got us.

    Sorry, this is a long response to your comment, and that’s the end of my rant, but just… Fuck Amazon, to the moon and back… Twice.