Swearing is how I got from my house to the car in northern winters.
Swearing is how I got from my house to the car in northern winters.
“Sifting through resumés all day is like a horrible experience and it’s not very reliable.”
Ah yes, and applying for jobs is just so easy and not at all disproportionately more degrading than hiring. /s
This might sound nuts but, programmable/shifting tattoos.
Like, it could detect elevated levels of cortisol in your blood or increased heart rate and then just gently pulse or warm up to a comforting temperature as a way calm you down or remind you to breathe. Or light up like a custom RGB keyboard, or change colors/holographic effects depending on time of day. Anything really.
This is the time for Nintendo to whip out a lawsuit
There’s dozens of us!
Take the LotR reading of it and interpret it as humanity’s opinions ¯\(ツ)/¯
Orcish and elven opinions only 😤 /j
I used to spend hours creating custom color schemes for my Plasma setup and installed a bunch of icons themes. Now I switch out my wallpaper every so often and let the highlight color auto-pull from the image.
Hear me out:
Monsters, Inc. Scream Team.
For a PS1 game it was ahead of its time. Fleshed out 3D levels that are actually navigable, decent camera angles, solid platforming + puzzles, and level revisiting that does not feel excessively repetitive. The difficulty is also not a god-awful sudden cliff like some PS1/2 games of the era. It’s one of the few, maybe the only PS1 game I’ve played multiple times through.
As a plus the soundtrack is banger.
I love this.
Relevant XKCD:
Not OP but this is a hell of an insight, thank you.
You’re right that I would have no frickin clue what that second sentence would mean. Someone asking me if I emailed Bob yet directly would not offend me, and I’d prefer it.
My only solution so far has been to say directly to my coworkers that they won’t offend me by asking directly but that doesn’t work 100% of the time. I get paid to do my job, not decode 400 lines of possible subtext from a passing sentence because they’re afraid of asking a question.
I still say hello and act friendly though. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Seconding Heroic. Lutris confused me too but I was able to connect Epic and GOG to Heroic.
Also, when you’re not using steam remote play Sunshine/Moonlight works wonders for remote streaming.
As someone who didn’t vote for the Cheeto Nazi, thank you for the nuance.
That said, comment OP and anyone reading this - please boycott and sanction the US! Starving the billionaire leeches and smacking government into pretending they have an iota of decorum or sense is necessary, and any outside influence on that is helpful.
My layman’s understanding is that clinical narcissism is a pathological obsession with the perception of self (vs. sociopathy which is pathological obsession with self-interests, explained in a moment), and being an asshole is a transient state.
A narcissist will constantly have in mind what others think of them, and obsessively make sure other people believe they are good, socially better, morally superior, high status, etc. at any cost, and will topple and tear down other people to ensure that perception. Anyone who challenges that is a threat and will be treated with active hostility. They care what you think because it feeds their sickness.
A sociopath generally does not care what you think, unless you believing something is useful to them. They are typically equally focused on others’ perception of them but for a different reason. People are simply tools; means to an end. Reputation is an asset in their toolkit to get what they want, at whatever cost. Lack of remorse at a pervasive, chronic level tends to characterize sociopathy.
An asshole doesn’t necessarily mean either. I can be mean to you, or hurt someone to get my way, and that would make me an asshole. I don’t necessarily think I’m better than you and I do have the capacity to feel remorse. Asshole is a changeable behavior, or an attitude, and not a severe disorder.
TL;DR: Narcissists are specifically mentally sick, and can be assholes. But anyone can act like an asshole ¯_(ツ)_/¯
In a fucked up way I lol’d at this. If I put on my tinfoil hat I’d say the USA is encouraging China to “spy” on us so they have to absorb the brainrot. Poor bastards
Oh no no, they enthusiastically help dismantle the basic rights of American citizens; at least the ones with corporate interests.
The fact that Lindsey Graham is in bed with these fuckers on this bill should be all the red flags needed, to be honest.
It’s those fucking illegals who came over on the mayflower that caused this
Hope and action go hand and hand, and it sounds like younger generations in those countries understand that well.
That’s a valid point; the literal definition of anarchy itself is the absence/abolition of hierarchies so that is pretty easily covered in identification. I’ll check it out, thank you! I’m a firm believer in leftist unity as we have the common overarching goal of equitable rights and QoL for all people.
I’ll have to do more reading then; thank you for sharing as well. It’s awesome to learn that Cuba’s gotten more progressive on LGBTQ issues. I wonder if the user I responded to is from the US since it’s been pretty bad here and we don’t have an established left party, so our “left” is a right wing donor class that pretends to maintain the status quo about 85% of the time.
I say to my knowledge since while I do identify as anarchist and believe healthcare, food, and shelter are bare minimum rights I understand as a human I always have more to learn and will never possess the breadth/depth of the entirety of anarchist/leftist ideology. I may currently hold blind spots and as such will need to learn and adjust in the future.
It may be due to the “conservative” comm on the instance. I’m still learning, of course.
Solid advice.
I was dressed accordingly, always had like 3+ layers not counting negative temperature rated down coat, boots, scarf, gloves etc it just still sucked that it was cold and icy lol.