lol Americans can’t even be bothered to get off the couch to get out and vote to save their country, they ain’t burning nothing down
lol Americans can’t even be bothered to get off the couch to get out and vote to save their country, they ain’t burning nothing down
Yeah we know, wtf am I supposed to do about it?
Drug trafficking clown lashes out at orange rapist clown
Edit: for anyone downvoting, Doug Ford is a right wing conservative shitbag who was a drug trafficker in his youth, running drugs between the u.s and Canada. He’s hitting back at trump and I like that, but they’re cut from the same cloth
Ok, remove all military bases from those countries and expel all American soldiers and diplomats. No more sharing intelligence with the u.s, they’re compromised anyways
A while ago as a test I literally just typed “guillotine” without context or anything. Perma banned my 5 year old account.
That site is unusable now, I got banned for saying the word guillotine, didn’t even use it in any context. I’ve tried going back and always get banned for ban evasion. It’s a garbage community now, the worst of the worst stayed there
I’m native, i don’t need any incentive to stand against you and your fascist wannabes no matter what they cal themselves
In nazi land, everyone becomes illegal eventually
I’m a Latino and I’ve always seen ice as the Gestapo of your country, I’m glad everyone else is seeing it. Ice has been a hellhole where the most evil and destructive humans end up working from its beginning.
Come on now, Ai is on a whole other level than throat things. It would be like me making a robot that stabs things then crying cause someone used it to stab people
If you worked on creating Ai sorry but you must have known it would eventually be used for evil
He’s got crazy wrinkles around his mouth from the permanent bitch face
Great example of what I’m talking about
All the Linux posts and Linux loving Lemmy users are what keep me away from Linux.
They’re like the Rick and Morty fans of PC software
It’s weird how gamers see Gabe Newel as “their” billionaire, and valve as “their” corporation, and convince themselves that this makes it ok and ethical to be a billionaire and a massive corporation bordering on monopoly. Stop behaving like these corporations are your sports teams.
Wealthy friends lol
Grainy surveillance means jack shit, in any case I will it rationalize with a conspiracy theorist, that’s like debating religion with my bible thumping dad
I still have no idea why I was banned, nobody ever replied to me
Can’t rationalize with a conspiracy theorist
How is bitching about the problem On Lemmy any more of a solution? You’re literally doing nothing. I’m a Canadian, im doing my job by avoiding your products and boycotting anything American. You’re just yelling at Lemmy users