So does that imply they already knew the candidate they were hiring, and were just checking if this is the guy?
Formerly u/CanadaPlus101 on Reddit.
So does that imply they already knew the candidate they were hiring, and were just checking if this is the guy?
Crackers work hard.
Edit: Wait, does that mean you did it again? Haha.
Wow, an XKCD-style feel-old fact about XKCD.
I guess that’s true, if you eat a whole bunch of snow at once you could get too cold - especially if you do it while not moving. If you have a fire, of course this is all a non-issue; just make sure not to light yourself, your surroundings or your container on fire, especially during sleep.
it’s also generally a good idea to boil water of unknown quality before drinking it to reduce the risk of getting sick, which would be especially bad if you’re lost in the wilderness
Hmm. Are there known cases of illness known from snow melt? It’s not guaranteed clean like domestic potable water, but I can’t imagine it carries too much by natural water standards, either.
The best way to actually figure out directions is to learn how the sky works. It’s not complicated, really - stars stay in the same place, the sun and moon slowly move along the ecliptic (a specific big circle), and it all spins around the poles with the time of day.
Although, I’ve heard you actually can use moss for packing wounds, since it’s pretty absorbent.
And don’t forget ‘rich’, or more importantly, supported by the rich. A national-scale campaign requires resources that a typical organization can’t gather, and to win without such a campaign is miraculous in most systems.
Well, in countries like mine there’s donation limits (with teeth). Middle class people are the ones you pursue for financing. That’s not really the issue so much as the majority of voters that barely know what they’re voting for - and soundbites or a personal hearty hello at a local event work wonders on them, while actual honesty or competence has little effect.
Ah, I guess the way it was worded that could be it.
I do know tucking some under your coat in a container is one thing you can do, if you’re in a desperate situation. At best that slows down the rate of heat loss, though.
When people say that, they mean they’re so much smarter than everyone else they could fix it all in a moment.
Of course, in reality, the cranky old man saying that has just stayed so uninformed about the issues he doesn’t know what he doesn’t know.
Don’t eat snow to rehydrate yourself. It will only make you freeze to death faster. Melt the snow outside of your body first.
Wait, how does that work? It seems like it should take the same energy to melt it either way.
Also, do people not know every berry isn’t edible? Even here where not a lot grows, there’s plenty of decorative ones around that will give you the violent shits.
I imagine psychologists can do more with it, but in practice the main thing I see formal fallacies used for is as something to shout during a debate, and it never seems to convince anyone.
If you can catch yourself using one, that’s good I guess.
Out of milk: Killed process 8008135
Or, alternately, if step one doesn’t internally handle the cap being missing it silently hangs or halts there, and the user is too busy catatonically staring at the spout to enjoy anything.
Except… just not to.
Maybe the golden toilet guy doesn’t understand, but you can endure unpleasant things. I pretty much believe the people of Gaza will never leave their home alive - many wouldn’t given the chance, and the other Arab countries don’t need more reason than that not to collaborate in taking them in.
I mean, it dovetails into nihilism too. God and cosmic justice is dead, we have to figure out how to work with what we have.
Unfortunately both nihilism and stoicism have a different meaning to the average reader than the original one.
Exactly. I feel like just listing them out is of limited use because of that.
and even if there is a reasonable option, they probably won’t win the vote anyway.
See, this is it right here. Anyone can run, but nobody can win without being slick and two-faced. The idiot vote is the largest block. If you get involved it’ll be obvious pretty fast.
(I say usually, because a few elections are better than other, but generally speaking at a federal level, it’s slime no matter how you vote)
So, you’re assuming we’re all American here. This applies to every democracy, including my own. In America, just add a probably terminal deadlock problem in on top of that.
Umm, AKCHTUALLY, it’s *Frawjǭ. Do you even vowel shift bro?
But yes, it’s a pussy shield.
So, to be clear this was an application to move to another part of the same company?
I don’t know you, but being thin skinned isn’t a trait I associate with any form of autism, so I wouldn’t worry about that specifically. Misinterpreting things is a bigger possibility - it could just be that the new boss doesn’t want big personnel changes right as he’s getting his footing. (Would you?)
Except that I don’t know how to deal with it. And I don’t want to deal with it, because it is unfair that what others think and talk about you makes your career more difficult.
Speaking for myself, once I’ve understood the situation, gamed out every option and picked the one that’s best, I find a kind of peace - even if that option is really, really demeaning and hard. I hope you can find something like that too.
A reminder that “dealing with it” doesn’t just mean stoicism. Now, I don’t have all the details here, and I only have your side of the story, but you can still set boundaries with neurotypical people. If you’re successful, you almost by definition are going to have options. Do you want to quit? Maybe even pursue a different career path? Or, is continuing as normal the best option?
Cool! Do a flip next.
Might as well go all the way if you’re doing stunts.
Or overreact, and kill you that way. Viral fevers, allergies and septic shock are all examples.
Evolution is not a human designer. It’s produces an endless pile of kludges that ends up working well enough. Although, in some ways that’s even more impressive.
Donations are usually welcome, if you’re serious about helping.