• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • What do you think the odds are of us getting people who refuse to take the Covid vaccine to take the bird flu vaccine?
    Unvaccinated people become mutation factories and the disease mutates so that the vaccine is no longer effective, that’s why it’s important to have everyone vaccinated to prevent the outbreak from worsening.
    If only 1/2 of people get the vaccine, we’re fucked.
    I firmly believe when it comes to serious medical issues like this, personal freedom of choice can just go fuck itself.
    You don’t want to be vaccinated? Too bad, we’ll tie you down and give it to you anyway.

  • I understand I’m voting for Kamala Harris with my vote for Biden, but I don’t think she could beat Trump.
    There’s a lot of independents still on the fence between Trump and Biden (for some reason) and I think that anyone who’s even entertaining the idea of voting for Donald Trump would never vote for a woman of color.
    So, unfortunately because we’re so late in the election year, I think we’ll have to vote for the old white guy to keep the old white felon out of the Whitehouse.
    The only silver lining to all of this is that they’ll probably both be dead before the next election and we can firmly remember to take age into account in the next primary if Biden wins.
    If Trump wins there won’t ever be another primary or general election and I think a lot of people lose focus on that because Biden is 2½ years older than Trump.