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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: November 9th, 2021


  • You weren’t paying attention. Many states banned anyone else from the ballot, even though there wasn’t cause for that by the rules.

    There were no debates (Something that would have given Democratic party members time to decide if they thought Biden was electable.)

    Some states were told their delegates wouldn’t count.

    There was no fair Democratic Party primary. If you think there was you were either not paying attention, or you didn’t want a fair primary in the first place.

    This problem is a problem of the Democratic Part{EDIT}y’s own making.

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  • That’s Southern Lebanon.

    The political organization for the West Bank is the Palestinian Authority. It is viewed as completely subservient to the Israel government to the point of allowing the IDF to take Palestinian children hostages (Technically the IDF calls it an arrest, but there are no charges, and often times no trials. It is functionally equivalent to kidnapping.)

    Regardless, you’ve made it clear you have literally no idea what you’re talking about and you are doing so in defense of the slaughter of innocent children.

  • Using that same logic, most of the Hamas members targeted by the Israelis are also civilians.

    Remember, Hamas is a singular governmental organization that kept the militant wing separate from the civilian wing. i.e. Gazan Hospital Administator? Hamas.

    That is a literal justification Israel has used to justify killing Gazan civilians, including police officers.

    So, which is it? Are IDF reservists military, or are Gazan police and hospital administrators civilians?

    You don’t get to have both.

  • Yes, the response to Israel doing something is indeed always more severe than when any other country does it.

    This is you doing the bad faith thing again. You knew what I meant. I can back it up with facts. But instead you don’t engage with something that you can’t back up, and just ignore the point I’m making.

    There is not a single country on this planet which would tolerate an organization like Hamas remaining in power after an event like Oct 7.

    Too bad the IDF is really just an air force that hasn’t yet learned the lesson that an air force can’t hold territory, and the only strategy they have is bombing civilians when the militants absolutely own most of the engagements they get into with the conscript army.

    In other words, Israel has to learn to live with Hamas, because they can’t handle them any way other then through genocide.

    Also, you don’t make peace with your friends. You make peace with your enemies. That is why it is called making peace, and why it is hard.

  • Putting things in stupid caps doesn’t change international law. It also doesn’t change what literally every other nation in the world is expected to do, and does, in times of war.

    You’re literally expecting different treatment for Israel, allowing them to commit war crimes, because they’re … special?

    You do realize that having a different response to Israel doing something versus other countries is literally one of the definitions of antisemitism from the IHRA, right?

    I wish the Israelis weren’t intent on intentionally causing as much collateral damage as possible to intentionally thin the population to a minimum(An intention actually stated by Bibi.)