Science and expert opinion should be respected, “your own research” is usually worthless, Black Lives Matter, Taiwan is a country, Love is Love, and Trans Rights are Human Rights.

No nazis or tankies, thanks.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • On one side men who may not be the most well informed about women issues; will get immediately defensive at being compared to a large animal known for tearing people apart and eating them alive.

    Nah. Defensiveness in this context is a red flag because it is transparently obvious why a woman would choose the bear. It needn’t be a strictly rational choice; it’s a vote of no confidence in men earned through lived experience. The fact that it’s even a question should be a seen by men as deeply sad: a reminder of the work that must still be done. The very act of trying to convince a woman of the error of her choice is a sign of a failure to understand the nature of the problem, the exercise, or both.

    large animal known for tearing people apart and eating them alive

    This is by no means what bears are known for. Black bears will frighten off easily. Brown bears are dangerous, yes, but much depends on the nature of the encounter.

    It was never going to end in a productive, calm or rational discussion

    It already has, but thanks for the self report?

  • Then what’s the stuff in your original post about “being afraid of ideas?” Which ideas, exactly, were you referring to? Being nominally Communist and functionally Fascist?

    The CCP are not an ethnic or national group, they’re a malevolent political movement and opposing them is the farthest thing from xenophobia. They run China and create untold misery for Chinese citizens. Being originally from Singapore does not mean you’re not working for the CCP and that is absolutely relevant to this situation. Data privacy is one issue, nation state surveillance is another. There are quantitative and qualitative differences between them and both must be addressed. Google, Meta, and Amazon et al need to be reigned in, broken up, and some board members should see jail time. TikTok, (yet another front for the CCP like ALL Chinese Corps), needs to be handled differently and the CCP’s malfeasance should be exposed and talked about.

    Compare and contrast Huawei and say, Cisco. Cisco’s equipment is occasionally annoying and bad for consumers and their business practices suck. Huawei equipment is a national security risk. Big difference and you can’t even get into that without referencing the CCP because they’re driving it.

    Tom Cotton’s a dipshit and worded the question in the dumbest possible way, but stopped clock, etc.

  • What the fuck? The CCP is no more Communist than North Korea is a Democratic Republic. I don’t give a shit about the CCP’s ideas because there’s only one they seem to care about: power. You can tell because of how they treat their own people. Corporations operating out of China are either controlled by the CCP behind the scenes or their leadership gets disappeared if they get too critical. It’s happened a number of times; ask Jack Ma and several others … if you can find them.

    The fucking CCP is every bit as bad as the damned Nazis and anyone that simps for them should go live under their regime. I’m sure you’ll have a great social credit score. Just don’t depict Emperor Xi as Winnie the Pooh or watch the fuck out.