• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • Id say the one thing I kind of disagree with here is the emails. If I’m at my computer and the email says “Are you able to handle this 15 minute job for me by EOD?” I respond immediately “Yeah, I can fit that in.” and then go back to whatever it was I was doing and handle it later.

    If someone is asking me to do a big job I dont reply immediately and go do some prep work for the big job and email them an hour later. “Not a problem, Ill get on it ASAP.”

    If you respond and get tasks done immediately sometimes it makes them think you must be in the middle of something when you dont. When someone gives you a big task that will take 4 hours and they check in on you 3 hours after you reply to the email and you’re almost finished, it puffs up your ability.

    But in general I agree, responding to emails is a great tool for managing perceptions and expectations.

  • Its apparently a good thing for people suffering from depression too. You get up and make the bed immediately. Not only does it discourage you from crawling back into it and laying there all day, but you started the day with 1 productive act. If you follow that with showering, brushing your teeth and getting dressed thats 4 productive things in a row first thing in the morning.

  • I know its an old post but years ago I saw a therapist who advertised “Quit smoking therapy” where he just encouraged you and talked about the thought processes involved in quitting. Sounded like hokey bullshit but my then girlfriend now wife booked me an appointment after I failed to quit again and this was a topic we covered.

    Im heavily paraphrasing but “They say quitting smoking is really hard, but let me ask you ‘Who benefits the most out of you thinking its really hard?’ The only people who want you to think quitting is really hard is the people selling you cigarettes, because who wants to go do really hard unpleasant shit? I sure as hell dont. So take that “Really hard” mindset and put it aside, its still unpleasant. But we do unpleasant every day, we get up and go to work and thats all quitting smoking is… its work.”

  • OP probably makes a delicious sandwich, but once you add too much to the pattie it stops being a hamburger. If you want to try something new instead of the Oklahoma smash (which yeah, is a fucking OG burger) make some onion and mustard jam. Shit is fucking tight on burgers.

    The difference between good burgers and fast food burgers is all in the fat content, the grind, the seasoning and the chef. Fast food burgers are too processed, underseasoned and next to impossible to fuck up cooking unless your a 15yo working for peanuts and dont give a fuck. IMO for a classic burger all you need is 80/20 coarse grind beef (2 patties), salt, pepper, garlic and onion powder. 2 slices of American cheese (I dont care how fake it is, I’m not American and its what needs to go on a burger) a few pickles, American mustard and some diced raw onions. Oh… and a bun.

  • I think you’re absolutely right. Personally I see the next big switch will be to handhelds. The ability to just pick my switch up and take it wherever I’m going is the primary reason I own it. They will do the premium one with the screen and controls and the “lite” edition will need a tv.

    I wouldnt be surprised if MS and Sony eventually step out of the hardware game either entirely or mostly and simply licence out a “Playstation phase # compatable” certification to others (that you need a PSN subscription to use) so you know that that Steam Deck/MSI whatever/Asus handheld will play anything from the X generation of playstation titles or older available.