Or Kid Rock. Or Ted Nugent.
Or Kid Rock. Or Ted Nugent.
Because snakes are a metaphor for pagans in that story (animism and all that). Ireland has never had actual snakes.
ZACHARY, La. (BRPROUD) – The Zachary Police Department says they arrested a former student after Zachary High School was tagged with graffiti.
Police say that Shyron White was arrested at his home in Livingston Parish for drawing a triangle with a symbol in it on the exterior doors. Graffiti was found in several locations around the building, and police were alerted on Tuesday.
“It’s always important to not damage someone else’s property. It costs money and time to, you know, to actually fix,” Zachary Police Department Chief Daryl Lawrence said. “And then you’ll have people like us out looking for you.”
Lawrence said an incident like this is not common for the Zachary community. White is booked in the East Baton Rouge Parish Prison, charged with terrorism, criminal damage to property, aggravated assault and criminal trespassing.
This is the Orwellian shit you’re advocating when you start classifying vandalism as terrorism.
Spineless cowards. There are amateur stand up comedians living in their cars and working for beer money who handle hecklers better than these professional public speakers with lifetime Healthcare.
Meanwhile we have people like AOC volunteering to do town halls in Republican districts, just so Republican voters can actually talk to a member of congress.
What a pathetic state of affairs.
It’s property damage that was done specifically to avoid hurting people. By that interpretation, Banksy could also be classified as a terrorist.
Democracy isn’t defined solely by peaceful transfer of power. Our government is completely captured by monied interests. Public opinion has a near zero influence on policy.
If you read the Bible with a purely objective mind and come away thinking God is the good guy in the story, I have some serious questions about your morality and ethics.
“The vaccination has stuff we don’t trust”
I would bet money this man could not name a single ingredient in a measles vaccine.
One of Henry Kissingers ideas.
Yep. He was an absolute monster. This quote by Anthony Bourdain always comes to mind when he gets brought up:
“Once you’ve been to Cambodia, you’ll never stop wanting to beat Henry Kissinger to death with your bare hands. You will never again be able to open a newspaper and read about that treacherous, prevaricating, murderous scumbag sitting down for a nice chat with Charlie Rose or attending some black-tie affair for a new glossy magazine without choking. Witness what Henry did in Cambodia – the fruits of his genius for statesmanship – and you will never understand why he’s not sitting in the dock at The Hague next to Milošević.”
Wake up, babe! New Republican gun restrictions are about to drop!
I was just thinking that. I wanted to scream at my monitor “you just fucking repeated what the sign said in your statement about why you’re removing the fucking sign!”
Probably both.
The question mark won’t matter. It detected the word “fight” and that’s all the removal was based on.
Is this the same House GOP pressuring universities to expel students for protesting and pushing police to arrest and imprison protesters? That House GOP?
Sometimes it takes me forever to get these, if I ever get them at all. This one though… It immediately clicked.
If you traveled back in time and told J. Edgar Hoover that in the future, the American public voluntarily wire-tapped themselves, he would cream his frilly pink panties.
“One billion percent tariffs!” - DJT next week
They actually deserve it
You understand that Russians are just people too, right? They aren’t all a bunch of drooling savages who want to murder Ukrainians or anyone else. Not sure how you can say the Russian civilian population deserves to be punished for what their shitty government does. Have you applied that same logic to your own country and its people? Or is that just something you say about faraway places from the comfort of your own home?
Ladder Pullers.
I bet you money she doesn’t speak out against the anti-DEI policies Vance is pushing.
It really is. Her and a few others need to form a coalition and take over the party. Give Pelosi and Schumer the boot and pivot hard to the Left for the working class.