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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • The thing is averages don’t mean shit when you’re talking about individual people, because individual experiences always deviate from the average, especially if you talk about average wealth where a few millionaires and billionaires skew the data for a lot of poor people.

    But sure, let’s follow your logic. Black people on average are poorer and have worse jobs, so we need to discriminate in their favour.

    Well, statistically there is also a lot of evidence that black people on average commit more crimes than white people.

    So should I be scared of a black person I cross on the street? Following your logic, yes. Following mine, no.

  • Ah yes, selective discrimination based on race and gender is anti-racist and anti-sexist. So glad we advanced as a society enough for this to make sense in some people’s heads…

    We live in a time where there are black people that experienced extreme wealth in their lives and white people that know nothing other than extreme poverty (this one has always existed), and to take nothing of that into consideration other than just the skin color is idiotic.

    But hey, thank you for admitting that it isn’t actually about improving productivity and output at companies, but just to tick percentage boxes so that your virtue signaling intake is filled for the day.

  • Wait wait, do you think the rest of the world was in perfect harmony until the white man came?


    Where the fuck do you think African slaves came from? Most europeans didn’t enslave them, they just bought them in the well established african slave markets after other africans and arabs enslaved them first.

    In North America, do you think the indians only started scalping when the europeans appeared, or that it was a common practice in tribes that were at constant war with each other?

    In South Africa a lot of the land europeans got was payment from tribes for help fighting other tribes.

    Did europeans cause extra suffering in the places they colonized? Definitly.

    Were those places peaceful before that? Fuck off.

  • Your last point is laughable.

    Yes Brave cannot make commits to Chromium, but it makes changes to their own repos (well, obviously) and can also accept/reject changes Google makes to Chromium.

    In my opinion, Firefox is more of a slave to Google than Brave will ever be because they rely entirely on Google giving them money for the default search engine.

    Is Brave’s revenue model scammy? Maybe. But at least they aren’t Google little bitch.

  • El_Rocha@lm.put.tftoMemes@lemmy.mlHasn't happened yet
    10 months ago

    It’s a question of do we spend taxes on blacks and the poor, or do we spend it on cluster bombs for Ukraine.

    I want someone to enlighten me on this, because my impression was that the democrats were the ones on board with bombing for Ukraine and republicans wanted to cut that spending (publicly, cause both parties love that war spending for their buddies to make money from).

  • El_Rocha@lm.put.tftoMemes@lemmy.mlits even more outdated
    11 months ago

    The thing it’s missing the most is better multi device support and an updated desktop client.

    For me, I think Matrix is more complete (specially since it backs-up your chats and media encrypted). The only thing it’s lacking (at least Element specific) is encrypted chat search support on mobile.