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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 24th, 2023

  • Show me where I support zionism?
    Knowing and acknowledging history doesn’t equal support for its results.
    Whereas you literally just attach non-existent motives to a comment that challenges your narrow and wilfully ignorant world view so you can outright dismiss it because that’s easier than thinking a little more in depth about the reality and complexity of a situation you clearly know little about (and clearly aren’t interested in understanding)…
    It’s not as if someone with relevant lived experience might actually know more than your sheltered ass… /s

  • You’re slightly and conveniently ignoring the actual colonisers of the region at that time - the British and French, and the parts they played in all of that (you can look to the partition of India or their other colonial “projects” for similar tactics on a bigger scale).

    I am not justifying or defending the actions of the state of Israel against Palestine, but don’t say people don’t bother looking at the history and then only deliver a partial version of it.

    Israelis and Palestinians both have a rightful place in the region, and have existed side by side continuously for thousands and thousands of years, the deep division that exists today is the product of colonial intervention dividing the locals and setting them against each other to make them all easier to conquer.

    Edit to add that things haven’t changed much today, the British may no longer colonise the land, but all of the large superpowers are contributing financially and politically to continue to divide the local population rather than promote a peaceful solution, still because of vested financial interest - not only weapons R&D but also the massive gas reserves off the coast of Gaza their trying to get their hands on. Ignoring the bigger picture of this conflict doesn’t help anyone.

  • These protest have been going on for years.
    The idea that Israelis generally support him is part of his media narrative, not reality.
    The fact that the protests were getting bigger and louder before 7.10 is another reason war was allowed to happen (it keeps people distracted and united against an enemy that isn’t him, and the results are instant - many already saying to wait with holding him accountable until “after the war” as if he wouldn’t start another or make this one last until he made sure he couldn’t be removed).
    When he went to visit the front lines, he didn’t only refuse to meat, but expelled reservists who were called in to duty who were known to be at protests or signed letters against him.
    They have now also made it legal to shoot protestors with live ammo and arrest anyone suspected of “interfering with military operation” (this is mostly to target Palestinians and Arab-Israelis, but also Jewish protestors)
    The Israeli government doesn’t represent the Israeli people.