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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • There’s some diagnostic info when in game through the battery sidebar menu, I think. You can use that to see frame rate and other performance benchmarks.

    I usually just google or YouTube some way to improve whatever game I’m playing on deck. Usually, someone has already done the leg work to figure it out.

  • I find it strange you put the entire onus of this issue on the male person proposing when there’s a lot of societal expectation to do these sort of gestures. I’ve been married to my wife for almost 10 years, and I didn’t do a public proposal, but I knew that’s what she wanted. Some people do want the big, public gesture, including the people you believe have diminished autonomy. It’s an unpopular opinion to say these people should be barred from marriage because the opinion lacks awareness of cultural nuances driving people to do public proposals—its unpopular for good reason; it’s myopic.

  • I can see that take. I know a lot of good people trying, and a lot of them aren’t the most educated. I’m about as book smart as someone can be for many things. I have a philosophy degree. That’s pretty nerdy.

    But the OP post sounded like “poorly educated” = bad or unworthy. I’ve helped a lot of people who didn’t know any better but wanted to grow and learn. “What screams ‘ignorance’?” might have been a more apt title.