Ones regarding their safety and reliability. What statistics do you think I would be after?
Ones regarding their safety and reliability. What statistics do you think I would be after?
Well for one thing, as far as I know, we have no way to collect statistics on them right now because they aren’t being used very much. They learned the dangers of the old Saturday Night Special thing because they kept being used in crimes.
Not that I’m suggesting these should be used in crimes.
See, again, trolling me like this won’t work. You cannot possibly make me hate myself any more than I already do. But if you don’t want to improve your life immensely by ignoring me now, your life will improve immensely in four years regardless.
I guess you’ll just have to keep trying to make me hate myself more in the interim to pass the time.
The insurance company is supposed to watch dog and make sure that the doctor’s office is doing the right thing.
I’m trying to think of the name of something we could call an alternative option to that… maybe something like The Blederal Blovernment.
He’s also just straight up lying. I’m a participant in the system with chronic health issues. I would have benefited more from never going to see a doctor and kept my family out of debt than what I ended up doing.
The biggest difference is that Count Vigo already won and there is no heroic group of wisecrackers with handheld plasma cannons to do anything about it.
Until very recently, making a decent gun took a lot of skill, and was pretty dangerous if something wasn’t done correctly.
We haven’t seen a lot of 3D printed gun usage yet, but I would bet that they aren’t exactly safe to use themselves. We’re talking about things that are generally made with milling to a much greater precision than your standard 3D printer is capable and which contain something explosive.
It might work for its intended use or it might blow up in your hand. The old fashioned ‘Saturday Night Specials’ that people would make in their garages had that issue.
(Also, I’d be really careful where you downloaded the plans from, because unless you know the source, it might be designed to blow up in your hand.)
Just being able to be the first one to contact 911 if they saw the killer come into the school would be enough. But like I suggested to others, giving both parents and kids the peace of mind by allowing them the chance to say goodbye to each other in a country with constant school shootings is an even bigger reason.
Solve the endless school shootings issue and I will be 100% behind a cell phone ban in American schools.
The truth can be weird. And most of the things that I say that are even worth spending a second paying attention to are weird. And therefore also not worth paying attention to. So stop paying attention to me. It will improve your life immensely.
And I’m tired of people lying about me when there’s endless things you could demonize me for that are legitimate. You still won’t be able to hurt me by pointing those out, because I already hate everything about myself, but at least you’ll keep yourself honest.
Sorry, are you under the bizarre impression that teens don’t already have phones?
Honestly, I don’t have a dog in this.
You clearly don’t, so maybe let the people who do have kids work this out.
No. this isn’t stupidity, this is playing the fool for Rogan’s anti-intellectual audience. There is no possible way he has been a CEO this long and doesn’t know what CFPB stands for.
I wouldn’t attend it even if I thought it was the best president ever being inaugurated. High of 24 in D.C. on Monday, low of 9. I hope Trump and his supporters all get frostbite.
Some Americans don’t even know how to spell it right, so I’m not sure they’ll even be able to look it up:
It’s not a responsibility, it’s a precaution. Note I didn’t say that I would tell my child what they absolutely had to do. I can’t speak for your kids, but mine wouldn’t need to feel a responsibility because they know the difference between right and wrong and they don’t want people to get hurt, so if they were the first person to see a gunman enter a school, they would want to be the first person to call 911.
I don’t know what happened with you, but most people don’t suddenly become a self-aware people who care about others the day they turn 18.
I would also like her to be able to say goodbye and she loves us if she wants that tiny bit of comfort during the last moments of her life.
Why are you lying? If I was ever sure of myself about anything, I would at least have something about me I could point to as a personal trait that someone, somewhere might occasionally view as a plus.
I have no idea why people feel the need to lie about me all the time when there are so many horrible truths about me they could point to.
I have never not been lame. If you ever had any respect for me, you shouldn’t. There has never been any reason to like me and no one should because I don’t deserve to be liked.
But that doesn’t mean we should be giving page views to Rupert Murdoch “news” outlets.
If that’s all he was, please post it there and tell us what happens.
First of all, there are emergency services that could be contacted with this new “texting” technology you apparently haven’t heard of.
Secondly, if you thought you were about to die, wouldn’t YOU want to tell the people you loved that you loved them one last time? Because I sure as fuck would.
You could have scrolled down the tiniest bit…