• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Because you need to handle terrain other than a clear road. When you live somewhere that regularly gets a foot of snow overnight then having a bit of extra ground clearance is a must for navigating that. You also want a bit of extra ground clearance if you need to go off road regularly. The last thing anyone wants is to be out in the boonies and crack their oil pan on a tree stump or something.

    Of course, far more people buy SUVs and trucks than actually need them. Also lite trucks would have been the better solution for most people who do actually need them if the EPA hadn’t killed them with poorly written standards. With the current wheelbase based efficiency requirements we’re left with the choice between sedans that drag the undercarriage on residential speedbumps or a Landbarge 9000 toddler slaughter special with worse sight lines than an abrams tank and the (lack of) fuel efficiency to match.

  • Be careful with vitamin D though. That is one of the very very few vitamins that you can actually take too much of because it’s fat soluble, not water soluble, so excessive vitamin D will build up in your fat cells rather than just getting peed out. It’s called vitamin D toxicity (VDT) and it can have some unpleasant neurological effects among other things.

    So it’s probably a good idea to get your levels checked anyways just to make sure you’re taking the right amount if you need it.

  • I can’t give you a peer reviewed source or anything but most of my family works in medicine including a couple of travel nurses who have worked in basically every department at one point or another at a variety of hospitals around the country.

    Emergent care just means things like emergency rooms, urgent care, and clinic visits. It is a term used to describe the hospital departments that cover visits for new “emergent” conditions. Unless you’ve worked in a hospital you probably wouldn’t have heard that term but it does get used often behind the scenes.

    Those departments tend to be money sinks for hospitals for several reasons. Firstly, because they need to remain staffed all the time, rather than being able to schedule staffing around scheduled appointments. Secondly, the cases seen there are usually less profitable for the hospital; treating little Timmys strep throat makes them far less money than Franks orthopedic surgery. Finally, people are just far less likely to pay when visiting those departments. If you don’t have insurance then your only real option for medical treatment is to go to the ER and just ignore the bill because the hospital legally has to treat you regardless of whether you can pay or not and collecting on medical debt is far more tricky than it is with other debts.

  • And your friend would have killed you. A drowning person isn’t thinking rationally. They will grab you and hold you under the water with all of their adrenaline fueled strength to try to stay above the water. If someone is drowning you never get in the water with them unless you are specifically trained for that and even then it is a last resort. Drowning is one of those situations where if you just run in and try to help without thinking then the ambulance just winds up hauling away two corpses.

    What you should be doing is finding anything that floats and throwing it to them or finding something long that they can grab onto so you can pull them to shore. For example tie a couple towels together to make a rope or dump out a cooler and throw it in for them to grab.

  • shoot to kill

    Just to be clear, if you are shooting someone you are always “shooting to kill”. You never so much as point a firearm at someone unless you are ready to end their life. If someone happens to be incapacitated but survive being shot then that is a happy accident but it should never be the expected outcome.

    ACAB of course and I agree with everything else you said. I just get really tired of the “why didn’t they shoot the in the leg or hand” comments. Real life isn’t an action movie. That isn’t how things work. If you are shooting someone you are aiming center of mass so you have the best chance of hitting despite the high stress scenario which it will be if you’re not a sociopath. And you keep pulling the trigger until they drop because gunshot wounds will rarely drop someone in one hit. Even of it winds up being a lethal wound it can take a while to kill or even be debilitating to someone who is almost certainly running on adrenaline; until then all you’ve done is piss them off and make yourself a threat. In high stress situations people are known to be able to sustain fatal gunshot wounds and not even realize that they’ve been shot until the adrenaline starts wearing off.

  • Exactly. If there was any question then the punishment is way too permanent to even be considered. But this dude is literally the father of a 14 year old girls child. There is no question here. There is no ambiguity. Have a third party double check the tests and another one tripple check them; if the results are still conclusive then make sure he can never harm anyone ever again.

    My only complaint is that castration is cruel and unusual without reason because it doesn’t actually prevent him from being a danger. Just lock him up forever or kill him. Right now I know life imprisonment is usually cheaper than the death penalty otherwise it wouldn’t even be a question.

  • Welcome to imposter syndrome, it means you’re a professional.

    As far as how you can be more comfortable that heavily depends heavily on what your job is. Some jobs have more direct feedback than others. But largely it will just take time. You’re still the new guy from the sound of it so it will take time to learn how your workplace works and what the exact expectations are. In the mean time just remember that as long as you aren’t consistently getting negative feedback on the same things then odds are you’re doing perfectly fine. Doing things wrong ocasionally is expected because you are human, but as long as you are learning from those times then you are already doing better than a lot of people. If nobody is telling you that you aren’t meeting expectations at your reviews then either you are meeting expectations or you have a bad manager.