Ya found me! 💕

  • Plants don’t have nerve endings, nervous systems or brains to process fear/pain. There is no comparison between 🐔’s & 🥔’ s.

  • Eating 🥩 because you enjoy it is the moral equivalent of watching 🐶 fighting because you enjoy it.

  • Feeding a cow for years, then killing it for only a handful of meals is wildly inefficient. ♻️

  • Studies link meat to heart disease, strokes, diabetes and pancreatic cancer.🫀

  • Beans are cheap af. 💵

(vegan btw)

  • 0 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • I feel for you and I’m sorry you also are going through it. I don’t blame you for taking umbridge with this all. But I also live in constant pain as well, after a dog attack a few years ago I can’t walk for more than an hour at a time, laying sitting and standing all hurt and even with pain meds, I can only get to a dull ache. I can’t work and the life I had before is gone, it was such shit trying to prove to skeptical condescending doctors saying just to do stretches and it will get better, but… Here I am still waiting.

    So while I feel where you are coming from with this time of chronic pain, I am ready to deal with this and other life debilitating conditions if I also get to feel like it was to run again, to climb, to see through the eyes of an athlete. To be able to walk normally and enjoy events again. I’d take my own pain and yours again to feel human again.

  • In November 2022, McCormick noticed a news report detailing an “unauthorized and unlicensed cannabis farm, located on unincorporated land,” that was raided by members of the Riverside County Sheriff’s Office. McCormick then met with members of the sheriff’s office to provide paperwork showing the legality of his cannabis farm.

    At around 4:30 a.m. local time on December 7, McCormick was woken up by members of the sheriff’s office as they began their raid.

    Fuck! He proactively went to show his legal status and all that did was put himself on their radar.

    However, the sheriff’s office was informed by members of the tribe that they were not authorized to conduct the raid on their land. In turn, members of the sheriff’s office said the tribal members “didn’t know what they were talking about,” the lawsuit said.

    Much of McCormick’s property and cannabis plants were destroyed during the raid and officers confiscated $300,000 from the tribe’s safe.

    Outright theft. They had no jurisdiction and didn’t care that they didn’t.

    Additionally, the lawsuit said that on January 8, 2023, McCormick’s "family home ‘mysteriously’ caught fire, after the sheriff’s office ordered power and water to his property to be turned off, resulting in the home “being completely burned down,” along with much of his personal belongings.

    Why would the water be shut off?! Goddamnit. Every part of this article is infuriating, nothing about this was law enforcement, just armed thugs raiding locals for fun and profit.

  • Well, this sort of thing is honestly above any social media’s pay grade, so I will only tell you what I did after talking with my therapist

    I know how this feels and I’m sorry you are going through it too. After the only member of my family who was even remotely kind to me died (and even that was an abusive relationship), I cut off contact with everyone else related to me and my life has only improved. It’s been about 6 years now but i am much happier for it, no judgement, no yelling, no control, life is just… quieter.

    You can’t control how others act, and your father has had several decades to reconsider. At a certain point, you should just protect your own well being and go no contact.

    Being a part of your life is a privilege, not a right.

  • I’ll agree that it’s a mental illness, but no more than being left handed or gay. Sure it’s a deviation from the statical “norm” but who does it harm and what does it matter? Let people conceptualize themselves however they like. Lots of “born again Christians” out there who talk about their relationship with an imaginary friend.

    What does it matter to you how anyone perceive themselves or the world around them? They still deserve respect. You’re allowed to think whatever you want about others, but using what you perceive as illness as a reason to mock or belittle them then that’s just active cruelty. In your A or B scenario, both of those situations are someone deserves respect and that you yourself don’t need to concern yourself with. Who tf cares if they feel special? Good for them. If you wanna think them crazy, I mean… okay? Just don’t be shitty to 'em.

    Besides, if you really want to get in to the philosophy of it. Where exactly is the “you” in your body? We are all a collection of living cells that are controlled by a not yet entirely determined part of thr brain. Sure parts of the brain can be damaged and that causes personality changes, but where the “you” in you truly resides is hard to say. Sounds like a swarm to me.

    Essentilism is a philosophy use without realizing, but it is also a inherently immposible to prove concept, and saying “X is absolutely and only X” really doesn’t allow for the messiness that is the world, or the human experience. If they are happiest as a swarm. Well rock on!

  • Not quite emails, but its the same idea…

    My mother will walk all around the house with her phone blaring some 30+ minute tiktok ad. She is fully aware that it is an ad, but something at the start promised an answer to … something… and now she HAS to know what it is. She complains about having to wait so long to get to the end and calls everything in the middle nonsense, and the answer she always gets is “buy thing X” but… she does it anyways. A lot. She isn’t super interested in actually watching documentary since that requires paying attention, and with this she can just set it to the side while washing dishes or something.

    We’ve given up on telling her that ads exist to sell things, she views them as “mini biased documentaries” which… I suppose is sorta accurate. But it still confuses the hell out of me.