It could be that people backing off social media is why it seems to have gotten worse on some platforms. If all the dissenting voices leave it is easier to believe you are correct. I have also stopped using social media as much since Reddit went to shit. That kind of opened my eyes to how volatile typical social media is. I pretty much only look at social media to see if someone I watch is live, but mostly I’m on Twitch and YouTube just to watch videos. Every time I look at the comments I regret it.
Yeah, the preamble bit is funny, but I felt it was needed because I have… issues that make me insecure about being misunderstood. I tend to over-explain things so I wanted to make sure people knew where I was coming from. I agree that it can be a fun place, and it is especially nice for those with limited means to connect with people. It’s not like I’m arguing for the end of all social media platforms, but more that some people need to have limits. When you spend enough time disconnected form people and the reality of living people become an their username and not the person they were. I truly believe social media does more good than bad, but because of the human condition the negative will always outweigh the positive. As my final though, I just believe that there is a difference between making connections, personal or otherwise, and sharing too much of yourself. This may be personal, but I don’t even share EVERYTHING with my parents or close friends.