• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Hazdaz@lemmy.worldtoAsklemmy@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    10 months ago

    If you weren’t so utterly braindead, you’d understand that if the cost to bring tourists up to space drops, that drops the cost to bring more scientists and equipment up to space as well which would lead to a massive growth in discoveries.

    Except that you are so caught up in your tiny little world of hate, that you can’t possibly expand it enough to understand that things cost money, and thus reducing what things cost, makes it that much better for institutions like NASA. One of the single biggest concerns of setting up a new space telescope or sending a rocket to a comet or a trip to Mars is money. It isn’t the only concern, but it is a massive one. Driving down those costs by increasing a launch schedule, trying out reusable rockets and investing a bunch to allow space tourism, helps everything space-related.

    You’re not smart enough to come back here and admit how wrong you were.

  • Hazdaz@lemmy.worldtoAsklemmy@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    10 months ago

    I’ve noticed this trend as well. These far-left people hate the ultra rich so much that they are demonizing the whole idea of space tourism. It’s infuriating because just like nearly everything else, development costs are very high and only early adopters can really afford the latest bleeding edge products.

    Do these people think that some 50" 4K TV today could be had for just a few hundred bucks, if they weren’t going for many thousands 5 years ago? That’s simply how the breakdown of costs works out. You need rich people to buy into something at low volumes, so the masses can afford those things at higher volumes but lower prices in the future.

    Musk and Bezos absolutely are douchebags, but realize that without their space companies, we’d be decades away from regular space travel. I love NASA and all, but their goal is space exploration, not space tourism. We need the ultra rich to pay for the development of space tourism to drive down costs.

  • As a big “car guy” as well as an engineer, I completely agree that cars are over-engineered these days.

    My parents are getting up there in age, and my mother has been saying she wants a new car. My dad already doesn’t drive, just to give yiu an idea on their age. So my mother wants to replace her 2014 Subaru with something slightly bugger and higher up to make it easier for her to get in and out, and new cars are so complicated I’m having a hard time picking a car for her.

    Similar deal with an uncle. He recently bought a Rav4 and the car just does not stop beeping and buzzing and has a ton of extra features that are supposedly to make it safer, but ultimately make driving it much less safe because it distracts the driver. This particular uncle isn’t even that old, but he’s not particularly tech-savvy.

    On top of the over-engineered mess that modern cars are, there is also the latest money-grab from car makers. They are trying to turn basic features into subscriptions. BMW infamously started making heated seats a subscription. So they install the heating elements in every car, but to activate them, yiu have to pay them $X/year. They got so much blowback from that nickle and diming of their customers that they’ve since walled back on that policy a little, but make no mistake about it, the idea will be coming back as more customers are fooled into accepting it.

  • I agree with OP but these don’t seem to be big talking points of American liberals.

    Instead we have many, far worse, initiatives which do the same thing that OP has mentioned. Not too many liberal Americans are talking about eating bugs or banning AC, but endlessly pushing idiotic nonsense like pronouns-this and pronouns-that have the same net effect amd that is turns mainstream people off. And no legislation is going to get a ton of support without mainstream folks pushing for it.

  • Oh absolutely. The first year of any new president will mostly be governed by what policies were signed under the previous president.

    And many of times, certain agreements are multi year ones which yiu have little control over.

    Either way, we have time. Yes, we shouldn’t lose momentum to keep the changes coming, but holy crap we have some people in here who never step away from the internet and are fed an endless stream of over hyped doom and gloom.

  • They’re all triggered into thinking the world is going to collapse tomorrow, and it is infuriating.

    In 50 years, we’re still going to have cars that run on gas. We’ll still have plastic bags and straws. The world will not have ended.

    The worst part of all this doom and gloom is that it is going to make some people think nothing can be done, so why bother. Then there are going to be some 9ther people who want change, but after a few years they will start to wonder why hasn’t the environmental apocalypse happened yet and start thinking it was all a sham. You already hear that from people who grew up in the 70s when the last time this kind of thought was spreading. Back then everything was about global warming this and global warming that. We were going to boil over all our oceans and everyone was going to die. That never happened, obviously. In more recent years scientists have changed their views to the current climate change model where they state that some parts of the globe will actually get colder while other parts will get hotter. We will have more severe storms. That seems to reflect more of what is happening these days, but even the most doom and gloom scientists aren’t claiming we will all die in a few short months. Yet that’s kind of the hysteria of far too many folks online.

    Yes, we have to do something, but relax, it’s not going to all collapse by next week.

  • Fuck Reddit.

    I got banned once for saying that a drug cartel head honcho deserved the death penalty (or something like that, I don’t recall the details). This was after a story where a bunch of people in Mexico or some South American country were found murdered in some gruesome ways and the head honcho was caught but then escaped. You can’t escape if you’re dead.

    So someone on Reddit was offended because I said that a drug cartel kingpin who had dozens (or maybe hundreds) of murders under his belt should be removed from the gene pool. And then to make things worse, some moron Reddit agreed eith them.

    Fuck Reddit.

  • Very common question but no one wants to hear the truth… You don’t.

    I hate to be the bearer of bad news but for the majority of people you kind of don’t. The social situations where you might meet people in your you ger days are closing or have already closed.

    School is usually a big one for most, but after a certain age, you’re not likely to be in school any longer and if you are, then you’ll be considerably older than others.

    Work is another one, but recent trends work against that. People tend to work at places for a short period of time before they jump ship. Shorter period of time, short number of connections you might make. Also with the hysteria over sexual harassment, people tend to not want anything to do with finding close connections these days at work. And of course working from home is clearly the biggest killer. You’re not going to connect with someone over a few Teams messages.

    People tend to be less physically active as they get older, so meeting people on a team sport tends to be less common.

    Lastly everything kind of snowballs. The less friends you have, the less friends-of-friends you might meet. And if you have some friends that are in a relationship, then forget about it. They’ll want to spend time with their significant other, and god forbid they get married and have kids. You’ll never see those people again unless you also have kids. I’m not painting a very positive picture here, but I think it’s way more realistic than many want to admit.