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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 4th, 2023


  • They already don’t have rights, but the laws are different from city to city. In some places they can’t be fed in public and people get arrested for giving them food. They can’t be on the sidewalk. They’re obviously not allowed to fall asleep as long as they’re unhoused. Plus parking restrictions created specifically to prevent car camping. Taking trash from dumpsters is considered theft. You can’t use a restroom without buying something and cities have taken out all or most public bathrooms, so it becomes a crime just to relieve themselves. Idk, the list is pretty endless.

  • That’s literally what addiction does to people. It makes them unrecognizable. That doesn’t excuse it, but it’s just the way addiction works. So many comments deriding this person’s intelligence when it has zero to do with that.

    This is why addiction treatment and social services are so shitty in the US. People are so ready to insult others before trying to understand them, yet the solution to things like this require exactly that understanding. It’s like homelessness and NIMBYs. If they’re so concerned about the homeless encroaching on their property values, then they should take action to reduce its causes. But instead they’d rather blame, shame, and…expect them to disappear into thin air apparently.

  • wonder how the hell this nurse got her license. You can’t be THAT stupid

    Addiction changes people until they don’t even recognize themselves. It has nothing to do with smart vs stupid. They were obviously smart and competent enough to be given a license. It’s just that the person who did this doesn’t even resemble the person who got their nursing license anymore. If they’re able to get sober someday, they’ll be horrified at having to live with this the rest of their life.

    There’s a reason addiction is considered a disease. The problem is when people mistake this explanation as an excuse for the things people do while in their addictions. It doesn’t excuse it. I just wish more people would make an effort to understand how addiction actually works because if we made any effort as a society instead of constantly playing the bootstrap/blame game, we could deal with it more effectively and prevent shit like this.

    Also I don’t know anything about what’s in tap water, but when addicts use IV drugs that’s pretty much what they’re mixed with. Obviously there’s a lot of infections in that population, but also people who do it every day without tap water killing them.

  • Wtf is the point of this. Even if they wanted to save on labor costs of wait staff and everything why not just use your own card instead of trading it for a temporary card.

    It’s like this pizza place I went to recently. They had a little arcade so I went to put some quarters in and realized I had to go buy tokens at a machine first. It wasn’t Dave and Busters or anything, just a hole in the wall with a few games in a corner. I didn’t buy any tokens. Same with laundromats that now want you to buy tokens ahead of time.

    There isn’t a single business anymore that isn’t trying to just blatantly scam you out of your money. They used to at least be more subtle about it.