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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2023


  • IMALlama@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mland you will be happy
    3 months ago

    I work at a big company. We have tons and tons of problems to go solve that are getting little attention in addition to having a lot of redundant and/or “what would you say you do here” type positions. Most of this happens by accident, but it’s nearly impossible to unwind and redeploy those teams. My guess is that the big reasons why is because of leadership not wanting to look bad - a mix of “why did you staff this to begin with?” and “why did you let this go on for so long?” When these groups are eventually found during a reorg they tend to be let go vs redeployed, which makes it even harder for the remaining groups to do anything. The cycle is truly silly.

  • I agree with your overall sentiment, but I personally find googles fuel savings optimistic and/or flat out misleading. “Hey, you could turn off your usual route here and get there in a similar time… Or you could stay on your usual route and save 2% on gas” seems to be a very frequent occurrence for me.

    I also don’t think that needs AI. The pathfinding algorithm just needs to apply different weights to the choices based on things like changes in elevation, number of stop signs, total distance, etc. Navigation systems from yester-year could do this well before the prevalence of AI. That said, AI can be used to develop and/or tune these algorithms instead of having a dedicated team of humans focused on this specific area.

  • We have two kids in a 3 bed/2 bath 1350 sq ft home. We do have a full basement, but the kids aren’t really allowed down there (power tools, toy stash, etc). I guess I do hang out there some nights, but that’s only because my gaming computer moved downstairs years ago when our oldest started to be able to reach the keyboard and pull key caps off it.

    In our experience, you’re probably not going to do a lot of entertaining while you have young kids. While one of your kids is under 3-4, and sometimes older, they’re going to need naps. They’re also going to have early bedtimes. Naps are mostly behind us, and we do have afternoon play dates, but the kids don’t really care what space they’re in as long as they’re engaged and have things to do. Having an adult gathering is… very rare. We have a nice sized yard, so we tend to have gatherings outside.

    I don’t think we need extra bedrooms or bigger bedrooms/bathrooms. An office might be nice, but working from the basement works just as well. A toy room could be nice, but to me it would be wasted space as the kids get older and have fewer, but larger/more engaging, toys. At least around here, the extra room comes with extra walls that result in a space that’s not often used (think a formal dining room).

    There’s also the financial side of things. We could afford a larger house, but would rather be putting any extra into 529s, our own 401ks, etc. Kid related expenses really add up before you start also thinking about a bigger mortgage payment.

  • IMALlama@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlIced
    7 months ago

    Certification to be a bartender? Where at? I worked in the restaurant business for a decent amount of time when I was younger. The restaurant I worked at had a training regime for bartenders so they would learn how to pour accurately and learn the recipes for a ton of drinks, but it wasn’t mandated by the government. Front of house staff from several establishments in the area would hang out and our restaurants were far more lax.

  • Haha, I was trying to post a summary vs rehashing one of the million recipes you can find on the Internet. Let me try restating them a bit more explicitly:

    1. Start softening your desire amount of butter in the bottom of the stand mixer. If you don’t have a stand mixer, put the butter in the bottom of a large bowl. Set aside
    2. Optional: add minced rosemary and/or roasted garlic and such to the bowl
    3. Add cold water to the pot you’re going to boil your potatoes in. Large pot = good. Add salt to this water if desired
    4. Get a cutting board, a potato peeler (optional), and a knife. Chef knife = good
    5. Peel potatoes with a knife or a potato peeler. The only exception I make for this is for red potatoes, but even then I peel half
    6. Dice the peeled potatoes using the knife and cutting board. Add to the pot from step #2
    7. Put pot on stove and bring to a boil using high heat
    8. Boil the potatoes until they cleve cleanly with a fork. You’re not going for mush/butter soft, but you also don’t want a crunch as you slice them
    9. Drain the potatoes and dump them in the bowl from step 1. Let rest a few minutes to soften the butter.
    10. Mash some to make sure the butter is melted
    11. Add milk as necessary and mash. Don’t overdo the mashing!

  • It looks like I’m the odd person out: I cut my potatoes before boiling and use a KitchenAid stand mixer for the mashing. My mashed taters are usually soft/fluffy/yummy.

    For mashing, less is more. If you know this going in, there’s no harm to using a stand mixer.

    Put your desire amount of butter in the bottom of the stand mixer. Peel, slice and add to cold water. Salt if desired. Boil until they cleve cleanly with a fork. Drain, dump on butter, let rest a few minutes to soften the butter. Mix and add milk as necessary. A little minced rosemary with the potatoes when they go into the stand mixer is 👌

  • But but but… I want the little offshoot niche community to grow! I also want content to get seen by more than 5 people.

    In reality there just isn’t the user mass to make small/niche communities viable right now, so you see more general communities filling the void.

    An easy example is 3D printing. There are two 3D printing communities in the lemmyverse. There’s also a ‘fix my print’ community that’s a ghost town and a few printer specific communities that are also ghost towns. Posts in these more specialized communities tend to get a consistent level of votes, but very few comments.

    I’ve intentionally been trying to seed more content, but it’s hard without literally posting the same thing in two spots.

  • IMALlama@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlthose ppl...
    9 months ago

    Agree on communities over here getting created during the exodis, seeing a small surge, and then kind of withering. I’m subbed to 15ish communities that aren’t even all that niche (3D printing, photography, woodworking) and it’s rare that they all get one post per day. There are obviously people lurking because posts will get comments, but I think we’re all a little wary of being the person to post a bunch of content for fear of no one else doing so.