• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023


  • Days before Laundrie killed Petito, police officers pulled them over in Utah after witnesses reported seeing the couple fighting; at least one witness said that they saw Laundrie hit Petito. Police did not interview this witness and instead determined Petito to be the aggressor […] One of the two officers had a history of allegedly committing domestic violence, including allegations that he threatened to kill his ex-girlfriend when he worked at the police department in another Utah town.

  • Eh. I’m a pretty plain vanilla middle aged lady and I do crimes on occasion. Not big crimes, but you can’t just not do crimes. Especially before weed was legal, lol. Some people live in states where it’s illegal to commit various consensual acts between consenting adults. They should do crimes. Some people need to not be pregnant, but they are pregnant and it’s illegal to become no longer pregnant where they are. They should do crimes. Some people are drag queens and live in places where that is a crime. Not all laws are good laws.

  • How in the world is Ashley Madison still a thing?? I thought it was toast ten years ago:

    Ashley Madison has long been a target for extortionists and moral crusaders, with the site suffering a massive data breach back in 2015 after getting hacked. The anonymous hackers demanded the site be taken down or they’d release detailed information about users. After about a month, the hackers made good on their threat, releasing roughly 10 gigabytes of information on the site’s 37 million users. That led to high-profile consequences, including everything from the resignation of a state attorney in Florida to the suicide of a pastor in New Orleans.

  • I’m a caregiver for a diabetic person and Medicare decided at the new year that they would not cover the medications he’s been doing very well on because they (state insurance, not his doctors) want him on Ozempic instead. They let him keep his insulin, but Victoza, Pandin and Jardiance are gone. We’re having a very hard time keeping his blood sugar steady, he’s getting dangerous lows that he’s not capable of communicating to us, and higher spikes than I’ve seen in the four years I’ve cared for him, so we’re testing more frequently and no, they will not cover the additional testing supplies, that’s out of pocket now.

    So, yes. Some people on Medicare are being forced to take it.