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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023

  • Wait your hot take is “yes I agree, cut my government pension fund so that my EMPLOYER doesn’t have to pay more taxes”??

    This isn’t you getting more in your paycheck now. This is your employer not having to pay as much in taxes. They will almost definitely not give you that money.

    Sure I mean, the stock market might go up a bit for a little while with this extra cash flow, but eventually those people who would rely on the government pension fund will need to draw money from SOMETHING. Then those market gains will crash.

    In what way is this beneficial beyond “stock market will go up a couple more years”? Which, by the way, unless you already have close to enough to retire now, just makes it MORE expensive for you to buy.

  • My wife and I were fine with a small wedding, but her parents wanted to invite all their friends to a lavish event. So they booked a very expensive place with the food and told us that was their contribution. We just had to pay for everything else. The photographer, the DJ, the cake, miscellaneous expenses. It all added up. I think we ended up paying around the same as they did, which was approximately double what we had budgeted for our small wedding we wanted. So four times more overall. But we got nice wedding photos and they got their extravagant party with their friends.

    Tldr; boomers gonna boom

  • Pharmacist here. I definitely work the full 40 hours basically non stop and… It’s awful. I don’t think this is how humans are meant to live. If you have a job that absolutely requires the full 40 to be 100% effort, the rest of your life suffers. I believe the reason so many people are able to do 40+ hours is the downtime that’s built into most jobs.

    I did 30 hours as a pharmacist for years and it was AMAZING. Like the job was still hard, but it felt like I had a portion of my life that was hard. Now that I’m stuck back to 40 it feels like I have a hard life. I barely have energy to give to my 1 year old baby on days off because I am recovering from the day before. I do the best I can but man was I in a better place at 30 hours.

  • I think the idea is, most people could build a doghouse with no training, but you need planning and education to plan/build a skyscraper. If you want to write your own app at home, maybe no software planning is really required. Keep nailing in workarounds. But if you want to build a huge system, you need to do a bit more than workarounds. You need a good plan from the start to make it all efficient and in a manner others can contribute to the code base.

    That said, I feel like just having workarounds is really common even in large industry settings. Maybe I’m wrong though. I’m more of a home doghouse builder type myself.

  • It’s posts like this that really make me embarrassed to be here on Lemmy. So many people here like to shake their fists at the sky and complain about how the world works. Yes, capitalism leads to major inequality. Other options are out there but also lead to major inequality. Best you can do for you and your family is to try to live well within the system, and vote for the changes you feel will best serve everyone.

    Ranting about billionaires not being good people in any case just makes your audience stop listening.