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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 15th, 2023


  • An IAF soldier reading this article:
    “Aww, how sad. I wonder if there’s anything I could do to help? Ooh, I know!”
    He then proceeds to scribble “Bread” on one of the munitions he’s loading.

    A second soldier notices this and comes near.
    “Hey man, that’s not cool. What’s she going to do with just one bread? We need a dozen loaves at least!”
    He starts scribbling as well.

    Their commander looks on speechless and shakes his head at their antics.
    “What a bunch of degenerates.”
    He places his own marker aside and goes to reprimand his subordinates. Behind him a missile newly babtized ‘Dildo of Doom’ lies in silence.

  • It is just a cash grab. Bunch of creative minds create a nuclear fallout package that needs you to go online to redeem it.
    They can’t even grasp the most simple of concept their games have: stuff that works hundreds of years after a nuclear fallout.

    A real storage case would have an offline collection of the games, a guide on the basics of survival after nuclear war, a simple radiation badge and maybe even a glowing Nuka-Cola bottle.
    It’s that simple. (Relatively.)