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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • @Valdair

    @greenfish @BrooklynMan

    My take on this is maybe spez is the least problematic. I mean sure. He is a dick and fuckin malicious. But I think he is also just a fall guy. I’m sure these plans were decided by the people pulling the strings in the background.

    Ousting spez will not solve the problem. But it is hella satisfying to see though. I bet after this, no matter the outcome, spez will be let go anyways. And still those responsible for the fiasco will be secure in their thrones and also unnamed.

    Reddit will not improve, let’s face it. Even if they rescind their decisions now. They have seen what can happen and they’re likely to implement more controls in secret and also gradually.

    Maybe they tested a theory of theirs, that’s why we see their move as idiotic. They tested how strong the communty has become, and we’ve shown them all our cards. And now that they survived, they’ll slowly work their way to get the upper hand. Gradually chipping the independence of their userbase.

    I’ve already moved on and accepted that the reddit I knew is gone. Even if they decide to make the api free for 3rd party tools. They have seen their weakness and will be slowly patching it off.

  • For Me, Minecraft and Diablo

    Minecraft - creative mode is like so therapeutic, you just create and create and create, then also the adventure mode is so fun because you can just roam and roam and be surprised at what you find. there is no goal really aside from staying alive, so there is no stress whatsoever (if you disregard the endgame goal).

    Diablo, - like Minecraft adventure mode. If you skip the campaign, there is literally no goal, you can just roam and roam and smash enemies, and you can even lower the difficulty so you can smash those enemies HARD!, It’s just so satisfying, and then you get surprise loot as a side benefit.