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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023


  • LifeInMultipleChoice@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlBias
    10 months ago

    Pretty sure they are a troll. Name being a play on “Karen”

    I just checked and saw they went into a programming thread and said they speak English because it is the only language needed. Have to say as much as I don’t care for trolls, that is kinda funny

  • Interesting that of the very few words I could have recognized in German that I remember that one. It used to show up in textbooks in the U.S. when studying WW2. Blitzkrieg being the German air bombings.

    Now I am wracking my brain to see what other words I might remember in German.

    Mostly keep going back to snitzel, beers and lederhosen. Aka the american stereotyping german restaurants (poorly Im sure). But fuck is the beer and snitzel good… now I want a big pretzel and beer cheese. I wonder if vegans have a decent beer cheese. *wonders off to scour the internet about which animals are most prominent in German cheese, I always want to assume cows, but the Italian use of Buffalos for Motzerella always has me guessing now.

  • In my experience, most chain restaurants back of house line cooks get paid fairly low. So let’s say the highest paid linecook gets 18 an hour. They work 8 hours and make $144 that day before taxes and it is added to their check. Most of the servers in the front of house would make around $150 as well but they worked less hours. (Usually 5-6 hours). They also walk with the tip money at the end of the night. Then they claim what they wish to because the government can’t prove how much you made in tips. Many claim they made far less, others claim what they made for other reasons.

    It is common to see servers make twice what cooks do. Which creates an atmosphere where front/back of house don’t get along all the time either.

  • LifeInMultipleChoice@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlDon't give Elon more money.
    11 months ago

    Somebody who isn’t a giant asshat loudly trying to manipulate the populace’s political opinions.

    Otherwise they would know. Being famous isn’t always a good thing.

    Now if you asked who were the lead engineers/designers for said vehicles it would mean more about the vehicle itself (but most everyone wouldn’t have looked them up or found their names)

  • I played Sniper Elite 5 on my fiances Xbox the other day and hadn’t played games in forever. (34 years old now) I knew I could remap the buttons if needed, but the melee button they made Y. I pressed down the right stick every damn time as a built in reaction from years back.

    I don’t know why I felt I needed to say that, but I tell you when you find yourself looking through binoculars and getting lit up at point blank range it reminded me how frustrating games can get during quick scenarios.

  • I’m glad to see people talking about things that aren’t positive here really. I was curious at first how much echo chamber this was going to have and the underlying obvious point that well… people who didn’t like lemmy as much either:

    A. Aren’t going to take the time to respond to this post or

    B. Won’t see the post because they are gone already.

  • LifeInMultipleChoice@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlThe Adblockalypse is coming
    11 months ago

    “The majority of Mozilla’s revenue is generated from search functionality included in our Firefox product through all major search partners including Google, Bing, Yahoo, Yandex, Amazon, Ebay and others.”

    Everything you just said was optimistic as fuck.

    750 employees, 826 million dollars in revenue a year.

    So what do they choose. Fire 700 employees and go down to 26 mill revenue?

    Edit: when the hivemind disperses and sees Firefox follow Google in using tokens and blocking ad blockers, you may not see it as one of the dumbest thing you’ve read before.