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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • I was curious so I asked GPT. Pretty interesting stuff

    The solar corona is the outermost layer of the Sun’s atmosphere. Its outer boundary is not well-defined, and its extent varies depending on solar activity. However, on average, the solar corona extends several solar radii above the Sun’s surface. One solar radius is approximately 696,340 kilometers.

    During a total solar eclipse, when the Moon completely blocks the Sun, the outer parts of the solar corona become visible to observers on Earth. At that time, the corona can be seen extending far beyond the Sun’s visible disk. The temperature of the solar corona is much higher than the temperature of the Sun’s surface, and the reason for this temperature difference is still a topic of scientific research.

    While the solar corona is not a fixed distance from the Sun’s surface, it typically extends millions of kilometers into space. The exact dimensions can vary depending on solar activity, such as the solar cycle and the presence of solar flares or coronal mass ejections.

  • I work for an online business. Its very small but the owner tries to run it like a Fortune500 company. They’re all about SEO and attend all kinds of seminars with words like Synergistic and ‘metrics that mater’ etc. They’ve spent the past month upping all our prices by 30% so we can offer a 20% discount and still make more than normal. Its shitty and I’m not a fan, but this seems to be the norm lately. That, or just offering worse quality in general. Ive avoided black Friday deals for a while now.