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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • Remember when China told Google to censor web search results and Google said, “No. How about we show those search results with notes that they were censored and why since the sites will be blocked anyway?”, and China was like, “You can’t show them at all.”, and Google said, “Fuck you. We’d rather lose access to the Chinese market than violate our principles.”, and instantly shut down any service in China that would require censorship or disclosing private data and closed all Chinese offices working on any of those technologies?

    What a time we’re living in.

  • I agree for inline code comments, like, “# Save the sprocket”, right above the line that saves the sprocket. Does this include documentation? Because when I see a prepareForSave function that references 10 other functions and I just want to know, “Is this mutating and how is it preparing for save and when should I call it?”, having the author spend 15 seconds telling me is less time consuming than me spending 5 minutes reading code to find out. Anyone who has read API docs has benefited from documentation.

  • I’ve pirated content and don’t have any issues with it. What has worn me out

    • Sites being pirated don’t give a shit that pirates aren’t going to use them anymore. That’s literally why they blocked them.
    • Want to consume content without paying? Do it and maybe share with others how you did it, but don’t make the millionth post bragging about how you’re sticking it to the man. Go rob a Tiffany’s and brag about sticking it to that company. And when they install new security measures, post about how unfair it is and you’ll never take stuff from them again. Or don’t. Really. Don’t. I want to see that post about as much as the post about what you had for breakfast this morning.

  • Well. Bought my new electric car. What am I going to do with my old gas one? Trade it in and get money? Nah. Pay to get it scrapped? I’m such a genius.

    Guys, cars don’t last forever, but when you own a car that doesn’t burn dead organisms, get ready to almost never change your oil because it doesn’t collect soot and for engines and cars to last much longer because they don’t generate grimy grease and heat and exhaust, all of which are terrible for mechanical parts.

  • I’m sure most people here don’t remember when power strips and HDMI cables were $40 and coin batteries were like $15 each pre inflation because stores wanted to make money on them. We could only read, listen to, and watch what our local stores decided to stock and most things didn’t have reviews. If we needed a new power adapter for that one device with a special shaped connector, too bad. It’s literally impossible to buy it.

  • As someone who has worked on free Internet services, it used to be easier to make money from ads. A video ad view was worth nearly a dollar US. Audio ads were maybe 7 or 8 cents a listen. Now, a video ad view makes a few cents and audio ads are worthless. They likely did the math about how many audio ads they’d have to play on the phone in your pocket to break even and decided you’d hate it more than they would. Since content owners get just over half of what YouTube makes, they’d probably be pissed about seeing the drop in income too.

    Feel free to hate YT. This was an economic decision at around the time when ad revenue had just fallen off of a cliff.

  • This recently

    • French people rude. Haha yeah.
    • Greek people cheap. Okay you got us.
    • Americans so fucking stupid. Hah wait. That’s it? That’s the joke?

    This I don’t understand. Where is this coming from and who honestly would be okay with being called a big dumb dildo and laugh along like it’s such a well known fact about their country? We’re a lot of things, act like we own the world and everyone owes us money and gratitude, eat like shit while letting everyone know how to be healthy, use little creamer cups instead of cream. We’re not idiots.

  • MrSqueezles@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlEgon Scent
    10 months ago

    There isn’t any way we could find a million high school students to donate experiments or golden records. What we need is to use government investment to shoot shameless product placement for my other company into space and live stream pictures of it.