Please don’t do this to people. Yeah there are way too many pedophiles out there but you’re still so unlikely to meet one. Unless you go to church.
Please don’t do this to people. Yeah there are way too many pedophiles out there but you’re still so unlikely to meet one. Unless you go to church.
Some friends and I that hung out in college had this with 11:11 on the clock. Felt like we’d look at the time and it would be 11:11 once or even both times every day.
What’s unclear about that statement?
I absolutely refuse to watch something with a laugh track as well.
“Those are dead people laughing”
It is against their religion to accept blood transfusions, among other ridiculous stuff like not being allowed to celebrate birthdays. Why though? I have no idea, it’s religion.
We need to streamline the citizenship process before we face population collapse due to capitalism. But.
That’s just feeding more people into the machine
It’s worse where they came from so it’s better to give them citizenship right?
Not for at least four more years.
Sounds like Dr Mario needs to talk to Dr Luigi.
By the way it’s one of my favorite games ever for couch head to head gaming. The only person who could match me was my mom, until I played against my wife after dating her for over a year. Yeah yeah 🚩🚩🚩🚩
Lula be right more often than not. Oops I mean left.
I worry about the state of our education system. But not in like an old guy way, I guess. It’s been defunded and all the textbooks are approved by a Christian organization in Texas that makes mad bucks.
I’ve been on a jury in the last little place I lived and you better believe they made sure it was all employed older white people against a young black man. I was the youngest on at 28. What they did to me is made me sit in a room with these, some probably decent, people, while one guy just talked and talked and lied and told fake stories like long discredited shit while a bunch were like oh yeah and I remember.
Fucking makes me sick. Sick at myself that I was such a little shit at that age that I didn’t tell the old prick to shut the fuck up and stop lying. But what really makes me sick was after sitting in a room for hours with these people is the state’s house slave walks in with cops and says we just walked the guy by, showed him who was going to convict him, and he took the plea deal. Fucking gross. Don’t believe your fucking TV this is how most cases go.
Hey at least you know we exist. Once I was in the Miami airport and a very young woman kept staring at my ID, then me, on and on. Finally she says why does it say West Virginia. When I told her it was a real state she acted pretty embarrassed.
That’s a very good point regarding refugees vs “can I afford it”.
As to your first point it’s West Virginia baby!
So I tried to upload a secession vote map of Virginia, which included West Virginia at the time. Hell here’s most of the story.
Edit: ignore the bullshit about reunification at the top, the story is in the middle.
He might do it if the right person told him it would make him $100.
Right on. It’s definitely interesting to talk about. I feel like many people still have this civil war mentality of fuck the South they can have what they voted for. People argue whether my state is in the “south” but our history is secession to join the union. There were not many slaves here, therefore not wealthy slavemasters, therefore many people preferred to side with the North.
I had heard about Trump’s revenge money bullshit before but thanks for the link to have it on hard copy.
Population redistribution: Again interesting to talk about, but the reality is most Americans lack the money needed to move. We’re stuck with what we got. That’s just economic concerns. My wife and I have the money to move, but we can’t because we don’t want to leave her elderly mother, who will not move, behind. A third concern, for us at least, is pride. Historically our state left the Confederacy. We had labor fights here that put many to shame. Sometimes it was straight up like a war between the workers and the strikebreakers.
We have devolved since due to propaganda, racism, and identity politics. But I do not want my state to fall to the assholes. The left here is armed and nobody will want to fight against an entrenched insurgency in these mountains.
People in my state in the US have to get starlink sometimes because our infrastructure is so poor. I overheard a conversation a few weeks ago while working out in the country. A woman was saying she hated giving money to Musk but there was no good option there.
And the B has a semi socialist leader trying to clean up Bolsonaro’s mess. Definitely not a monolith.
All this theorizing ignores the number one internal problem of the US. It’s not state versus state, it’s urban versus rural. I’m in one of the reddest states in the nation, but I live in the capital where we have a decent democrat mayor. Most people would even laugh at calling this a city, but the urban/rural cultural divide is huge even here. Leave the “cities” and there are traitor flags everywhere. Ethnic minorities do not do well out in the country.
converting metres to feet is hard to do in my head
Just multiply by three and then say fuck it. For bigger numbers just add a random amount.
This stuff could be saving lives if scaled up.
Even on their site, which I agree seems too good to be true, they state that this product offers no benefits beyond hangover mitigation. If it works as claimed, that’s great, but it will not slow or reverse the damage of heavy drinking.
Haven’t seen it, sorry.