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Joined 12 days ago
Cake day: March 7th, 2025

  • I am mostly a disciple of Boglehead investing philosophy.

    A seminal resource early in my adult life was The Wealthy Barber, which I think still stands up well as a sensible guide to low-stress, long-term investing.

    An ETF is basically a thing you buy, like shares of stock, but each share of an ETF is made of a blend of a bunch of stocks. VTI is an ETF run by the brokerage Vanguard that tries to track the entire US stock market, weighted against how large a company is. You should try to find ETFs with a low “expense ratio”, which is basically the management fee for a blended fund. VTI is really low, something like 0.03%. So you pay vanguard $3 for every $10,000 gained (I think it works like that, anyway. All I know is it’s low and that’s good).

    I don’t endorse playing with Options Contracts unless you have an iron stomach and incredible self discipline. It’s legalized gambling in my view (although it has other valid uses, like hedging against losses…but it’s an advanced tool and can wreak havoc on savings when used poorly).