Spaceman Spiff

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • (Not OP)

    I miss the Reddit that was destroyed in June. I don’t miss the Reddit of now, and won’t be going back. But OP is completely right on all of it. Unfortunately, we were all left scrambling for a replacement, and Lemmy has non-trivial barriers to entry for most “normal” people. Sure, those of us that are tech-savvy got through it (and are still dealing with the major bugs and deficiencies), but so much of the old experience just isn’t here.

    It’s not the existence of shitposts and memes like 196; it’s the lack of other content. r/HomeImprovement is often cited in articles about the blackout and how big/important it is. Conversely, [email protected] is still just a fraction of the old Reddit community, and discussions are limited and (generally) disappointing. Similar stories about Woodworking, AMA, etc. LegalAdvice (for better or for worse) was one of the biggest subs on Reddit, has just 57 subs on Lemmy. The sub for my IRL city (1 million+ population), which was one of the best sources of local information, might as well not exist here.

    There’s no way to moderate that content into existence, and there’s only so much you can contribute to that content to get it started.

  • The nature of All is that it’s, well, all of what other users (on your instance) are discussing. Just like you could see when certain types of users were active on Reddit from r/All, or when a major event happened, so is the case here.

    There are a few things you can do about it though - First, you can switch to your subscribed communities. You won’t see all of the randomness, but it should be limited to your areas of interest.

    Second, you can block the major communities you want to avoid, most notably this one.

    Third, and this is the hardest one, you can get a bunch of other, unrelated discussions started. That way, people aren’t discussing this. But I swear to God, if I see one more post about the fucking beans…

    I suppose you could try another instance, or mass subscribing to new communities, but I suspect this is going to be the big topic for a while across the Lemmyverse.

  • It’s because of the very impassioned speech by then-Senator Ted “Tubes” Stevens, where he demonstrated that he clearly had no idea how any of it worked. You could hear the lobbyists in every bit that he parroted, without absorbing it. He also had formed a strong opinion already, despite clearly having just been told how it works.

    It’s not that it’s a bad analogy. It’s that it’s (somewhat) reductionist, and most famously associated with an idiot.