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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 12th, 2023

  • I feel like this needs an asterix. The last president* who began his presidency as a president, had the powers of a dictator, but refused to use those powers because of morals.

    While he could have used those powers to aggressively reshape the nation back to the original framework envisioned by the founding fathers, instead he followed tradition and what was expected. As such, the next “leader” of the United States embraced these powers, led a bloody siege to his opponents, and thus began the beginning to the end of what was once called the United States of America. Father Trump, as he demanded to be called, partnered with Russia and North Korea, in effect beginning WWIII. The American people were “shocked”

    Edit: weird that Android phones auto correct WWIII to WWII? Or is that just my phone for some reason? It doesn’t matter. We’re fucked

  • I’m just curious, does it ever get tiring? I imagine doing anything 24/7 must be, but licking that many boots just sounds exhausting.

    Do you realize there’s a reason you’re being consistently downvoted? Do you care to understand why your opinions are so frowned upon? Or do you simply conclude, in your tiny obedient mind, that the “radicals” dislike the police because we’re all thugs?

    This is a trend decades (if not centuries or millennia) in the making, of people in power abusing said power and lying about it. You defending them is a pathetic waste of your time.