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Cake day: April 30th, 2024

  • Fair, and people in swing states get inundated with ads as it is. Mostly I’d say it’s more useful for mobilization than persuasion, like if you get a text reminding you when voting day is maybe someone makes it when they wouldn’t have otherwise.

    Ideally, volunteers could mean quality over quantity, less automated spam asking for money and instead actual humans responding to concerns and answering questions. Even more ideally, that could be paired with voters’ concerns being elevated and the party actually responding to them. The goal is to improve the quality of the campaign’s voter outreach, in whatever form that outreach takes.

    I’m not a fan of Biden myself but I still think it’s worth discussing general electoral strategies.

  • The vast majority of Americans both already know how they feel about Trump and Biden and live in a solidly red or blue state. If you do want to focus on Biden, volunteer with phone banking or canvassing so that your efforts are directed to where they’ll actually matter and be organized in line with their messaging. Personally, I’d say you’re better off focusing on local races where you have more of an opportunity to come at it from a different angle and cut through people’s fortified positions. And as another user said, focus on mobilization, it’s easier to get someone who already agrees with you to register and make a plan than to convince someone to change their whole worldview.

    There are also strategies outside of electoralism, such as protests and counter-protests. You can join an organization and form tactics and strategies to subvert the right’s actions, and engage with direct action to build trust and community that could be important in the future. Form strategies while being realistic about your goals and capabilities and coordinate with others.

  • Nothing he revealed was a shock, I was joking with my friends about them listening in on 2009 if not earlier.

    Yeah, but you didn’t have proof.

    The real world impact of the leak was a net negative for Americans.

    Absolutely ridiculous. You just can’t distinguish between the state’s interests and the people’s interests. So what if the US’s global image is damaged? That doesn’t affect me. If anything, I’m glad, when the US’s global image was better it meant it could get away with getting involved in stupid imperialist wars that made life worse for everyone but the ruling class. Their interests are directly opposed to mine and hurting them helps me.

    Had he been willing to go to jail for it the issue would have stayed in the for front and people would have put a lot of effort into getting him released, and I would have been a supporter of that initiative.

    Again, this is literally the only reason you’ve given for why he should’ve done that, that you personally would’ve liked him more, which I don’t believe for a second. Nobody gives a shit what you think, certainly not enough to do something stupid and self-destructive. Snowden would’ve been an idiot not to protect himself.

  • There is nothing inherently gay about sucking dick.

    Oh, excuse me.

    Haha yeah imagine sucking dick like some kind of WOMAN.

    Snowden is a traitor, nothing heroic about him

    The traitors are the people in government brazenly violating the law and persecuting the heroes who reveal their crimes to the people. Real treason is treason against the people, treason against a government that is oppressing the people is heroism.

    All this blacksite bullshit is a strawman. It’s far more likely he’s a Russian agent than it is he would have been disappeared and or killed.


    Unlike you, Snowden was actually intelligent enough to know what would happen to him if he didn’t make arrangements for his freedom. I have no idea how it’s possible to be as naive as you, but I guess when you’re completely focused on licking the boot, you don’t have much awareness of anything other than that. In fact, your main problem with Snowden is that he made you aware of uncomfortable truths, you’d rather remain in comfortable ignorance so you don’t have to worry about the fact that you no longer have civil liberties. Just don’t move and you’ll never notice the chains, right? You’re too cowardly to face the truth.

  • Haha yeah imagine sucking dick like some kind of GAY.

    Snowden is one of the bravest and most heroic Americans alive today, and he is alive because he was smart enough to take precautions instead of letting himself get Epstein’d in some blacksite, like you want. What kinda idiot gets himself killed or imprisoned when he could be free? What the fuck kind of logic is it that says you have to submit to the judgement of a brazenly unjust and oppressive regime? Fuck that shit.

    It’s thanks to him that we’re at least aware of the movements of the enemy of the public that is the US state. Braver than any troop. Die mad about it.

  • Shroedinger’s Russian nuclear arsenal. When there’s a story about risking escalation, libs tell me it’s fine because Russia doesn’t have the money to maintain its nukes, so it’d only be a “limited” nuclear exchange. When this story comes out, the libs tell me that Russia has a much larger and better maintained nuclear stockpile, so it’s only necessary for the US to spend more on it to catch up. It’s sort of the same way that Russia simultaneously is on the verge of defeat, yet also has the intention and capability to conquer all of Europe, like Hitler, if we don’t stop him here.

    The enemy is both strong and weak, and you never know which one it’s gonna be.